Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Gibbs report

Since my mom is at work today I think it's time I take some responsibility around here so I've created today's post. I'm prepared to give you a full (or maybe only partial) report of the activities that took place yesterday and what is planned for today.

Yesterday my mom attempted to do what she calls cleaning. I helped her pulling sheets and blankets around on the bed. Later we played with a bucket of water and a sponge on a stick. Dad must have been jealous of all the fun we were having because he took me down to the cave and closed the door. Poor mom had to finish the sponge on a stick game all by herself.

It was really really cold out and I had to make my trips outside super fast. My poor little paws just about froze right off. Snuggling with the blanket on the couch made them feel all better though.

Today dad and I plan on watching some football. Sure hope mom cooks something good for dinner when she gets home from work. Dad and I are gonna be mighty hungry after all that tv watching.

That just about covers it for the first edition of the Gibbs report. I hope you found this information helpful.


Rick (Ratty) said...

Those outside trips need top be super fast for everybody right now. It's too cold just about everywhere.

Deb said...

Well done Gibbs, that was an excellent report! Sorry you didn't get to finish the sponge on the stick game, it sounded like fun and I'm sure your Mom had fun playing it with you! Stay warm and enjoy watching football with your Dad, can't wait for your next report☺

Unknown said...

Sounds like a lot of fun Gibbs.
Stay warm :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

still giggling at my mental image of you helping with the sheets and the mopping.. i think we all know WHY dad took you in the CAVE..., you are just to funny for words, Gibbs. sorry your little paws get so cold.. maybe mom could knit or crochet little booties? and let you play with the yarn?

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I played that sponge on a stick game yesterday too. It's not as fun as it sounds. And Raider played bark at the loud vacuum game. You probably play that one too. Thanks for the report. Maybe today you guys can have dinner ready when mom gets home from work. Bet she'd be surprised :)

Out on the prairie said...

It has been so cold here I found some frozen barks in a pile out back.

Marg said...

Gibbs, it sure sounds like you have the good life. Such a cute boy you are for sure. Take care.

Grace said...

You need to tell The Mon to get you boots for all that cold wet stuff - maybe even a little sweater too!

Sharkbytes said...

You will be an old hand at excellent reports before long. How odd that Mom did not need your help with the sponge and stick game.

Sandee said...

I see a theme here. Dad doesn't help. I'm just saying.

Have a fabulous day Gibbs. Mom will be home soon. My best to your wonderful mom. :)

BeadedTail said...

Your dad was a party pooper! We bet your mom really wanted your help!

bichonpawz said...

So, Gibbs...which did you enjoy more...watching football or playing with your mom?? Sounds a lot like stuff we do around here! Great job on your first report!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gibbs! You are an excellent reporter and communicator! I hope this is the first of many reports! To bad the sponge on a stick game ended so soon, because I know that you would have WON! Maybe that is why dad took you, so mom could win.

Jille said...

Gibbs must be absolutely exhausted after all that hard work! Stay warm Gibbs x

Unknown said...

I did indeed find this information helpful. Good job, Duke!

Marie said...

You're an awesome reporter, Gibbs! You're so sweet to help your mommy! We are still watching football. :)
Hope you all had a great weekend!

Reeni said...

You are looking so cute Gibbs! I wouldn't want to go outside to use the outhouse in this cold weather. Stay warm and snuggly and keep on being a good helper! :-)

Duni said...

Haha, bet you had so much fun with that sponge and stick ;-)

Christine said...

Gibbs, you know how to get things done!

Ida said...

Excellant Report Gibbs. Sounds like a pretty busy day. Hope the TV watching wasn't to exhausting and that dinner was everything you hoped for.

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