Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The desk Sargent

Yesterday in my project 365 collage there was a picture of Gibbs sitting on my desk. She wanted to know how he got up there.
Normally you don't see a desk Sargent anywhere other than a police station but I've got my own right here. He barks his demands to me and I must obey orders.

While browsing through blog land he insisted on me paying attention to him. I picked him up so that he could sit in my lap but he wasn't happy with that. From my lap he climbed up on to the desk. So no, he doesn't have the jumping ability of a cat and no I didn't have enough pillows to make him steps to get on to the desk. He had had my assistance and my full attention.

Since I had the picture right there and it was such a cute one I decided to do some playing around with it.

Then while I was at it I thought how about crop it a bit.


marie said...

He's getting cuter by the minute...and I'd let him sit on my desk anytime!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, this is so cute, and funny!! He looks like a stern teacher!! LOVE the edits! Next craft project will be steps up to the desk.

Pat said...

Wait until he grows some more and can jump up, via your lap! He is such a little character - and I love what you did with the photo, too.

Rick (Ratty) said...

The cutest little thing. I sometimes wish my dog was small enough to fit on my desk, or even on my lap. She's half Great Dane, so it'll never happen.

Duni said...

The close up is too cute :) Gibbs certainly knows how to get your full attention!

Out on the prairie said...

It is okay to let him up, but once he wants his turn on computer you may have to draw the line.

Hootin Anni said...


Ummmm, you do know that Gibbs [on NCIS] was a gunnery sergeant, right?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the 'cocked' leg.. i agree he gets cuter by the day and now i know how he got up there.. more proof whom is in control of whom.. BOL... no wonder you don't have time to blog, you can't get to your monitor...

Willow said...

What a very cute shot and I love the effect you put to it !

Grace said...

You're messin' with his cuteness! Can you just mess with the background and leave him in all his natural glory?

Sandee said...

I figured you help him up. He's too little for much jumping. I'm guessing that will change at some point though. He sure is cute.

Have a fabulous day. My very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Sharkbytes said...

Hmmm- I don't think I'd do well with a desk sergeant. That's what cats are for, right?

Christine said...

A www what a sweetie!

Sheryl Hastings said...

He looks like he means business! He has you wrapped around his little paw. As it should be!

Unknown said...

Old Ojibwa saying: A bellyful of bacon makes naturally belligerent puppies quite content in any situation.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I hope you were as attentive to him as he is looking at you! Quite handsome chap! I love the cropped photo and your special editing!

BeadedTail said...

He has you wrapped around his paw! :) He has the sweetest face!

Mariodacatsmom said...

What a fabulous job you did with that picture. I see you have real talent for that type of thing. I just love Gibbs, he's my kind of dog and so cute!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Well for being so cute, he sure is smart! Getting in front of your computer...hmmmm??? Do you think he's saying..."Mom, what about me?!?"...:)JP

Twinkle Terrior said...

Personality, cuteness and uber adorableness - he has it all ox

Reeni said...

So funny! He has a very intense stare like he's trying to tell you something.

Ida said...

Now that's something you don't see everyday. He certainly does know how to steal the show. I like your edits.

Donna said...

He is a DOLL! Look at that face! Such expression!

Deb said...

One word, awww!

Marie said...

I really want to hold him. :) Love what you did with that last photo, really cute!

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