Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Gibbs Report

Life is full of shortcuts. I'm pretty sure we all take them. Whether it's taking shortcuts to get somewhere faster, or to get a job done quicker, they're a part of our every day life.

I myself find that shortcuts are quite useful. If I want to play tug the toy I go right past dad and straight to mom so that I can get to the fun much quicker.

Just the other day I took a shortcut across the coffee table

I did it for you of course. I wanted you to get to the cute picture quicker.

What kind of shortcuts have you taken lately?


bichonpawz said...

What an adorable picture of Gibbs!! LOVE this!! Happy Sunday Ann and hugs to Gibbs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Gibbs, you are faster than the speed of shutters.. BOL... love the cute pic and glad you got us there quicker.
when I drive anywhere in our city i take the short cuts which means back roads, no lights no traffic. short cuts are not as short as they could be but get me there faster and safer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

new thought... brain took a short cut and could not think of anything.
the reason i can cook by following a recipe is i always take short cuts with what is written down, from ingredients to how to add it together. never works

Out on the prairie said...

When out driving sometimes I just drive in a general direction finding treasures all along the way.

Marg said...

Oh Gibbs, you are one cute puppy. What a good idea to take that short cut across the coffee table. You all have a super day.

Sandee said...

You are adorable Gibbs. I think you know it too. I'm sure mom tells you all the time.

Have a woof woof day. Be nice to mom when she gets home from work. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

You are my kinda guy, Gibbs. Get straight to the matter what is in the way. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Hmmmm...shortcuts? Made scrambled eggs in microwave for Moon, Copper, and myself after we came in this morning... That Gibbs is full of ideas!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

MOL! That's kinda cat like you know! :)

Grace said...

Such a cutie pie...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you are just so clever, Gibbs! I am glad you have hijacked mom's blog today! Wow, I am late in commenting! Been out stocking up for the oncoming storm, and Valentine kits to make with the girls. Shortcuts always seem to end in disaster for me!! What is that on the back of the couch...a towel, a mini quilt? Tell mom I love it and I love the colors!

Deb said...

LOL Gibbs, you are one smart pup! (not to mention darn adorable!)

Marie said...

love your shortcut! I take short cuts when cooking chili, I just buy a seasoning pack and if I bake a cake I usually make it from a box. :)

Duni said...

You look so sweet, Gibbs! Us kitties take short cuts all the time ;-)

Donna said...

Lordy Gibbs! Can you get ANY cuter?!!
No shortcuts here...I seem to drag everything out lately!

Reeni said...

I just want to give him smooches all over! SO CUTE!

Reeni said...

I just want to give him smooches all over! SO CUTE!

Sharkbytes said...

Well, Gibbs, you sure made it to the cute picture! I'd like to find a few shortcuts. I seem to be stuck on long cuts.

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