Friday, July 24, 2015

A survivor

Not many plants survive under my care whether they are inside or out. The ones  outside that have been around for a long time were planted by someone else.  I was surprised to see that something I planted last year is still alive.

I can't remember what this is but I think it was some kind of lilac? Whatever it is, I like the white flowers on it.


Rick (Ratty) said...

I have seeds for a plant that I got as a gift a little while ago, but I haven't planted it because I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it alive.

Marie said...

so pretty! hugs to you both! I'll be trying to catch up on blogland this weekend!

Duni said...

The flowers are so pretty!! I'm surprised my orchid sprouted blossoms again this year :)

Christine said...

No green thumb on my hand, either! It's a joke in our house! Glad to see your plant is in bloom as it is pretty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is a beautiful plant and we have many here that we have no clue what they are, we bought them many years ago, and they grow. but they grow because bob planted them. i am death to plants even if i just touch them

Grace said...

Don't think it is a lilac - they bloom in the Spring and the leaves look wrong - closest I could find after a quick search was a mallow plant...

Sandee said...

It's pretty whatever it is and I'm glad it's still living. That rocks when things survive.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

It didn't only survive it's thriving! It's pretty!

crafty cat corner said...

Some people are just not good with plants. My Mum couldn't keep a plant alive in or out just like you.
The white flower is lovely.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann - if I had to guess it's a form of tardiva hydrangea. Do google to verify. We had one in Bozman that grew like a weed - this could be a mini form of plant.

Let me know and have a great weekend - Katie

Unknown said...

Gibbs would gladly help you with the watering (and the fertilizing, for that matter).

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I haven't a clue what your plant is-- but's pretty!
You've done a great job photographing in too!
If it's great photos you want... do look at me, my readers know I'm awful with a camera!
I'll check back here again...

Donna said...

That doesn't look like a lilac, but I'm not sure what it is. The blooms are pretty!

Deb said...

Very pretty whatever it is Ann! I can kill off plants in a heartbeat too so stick with the tried and true hardy perennials,makes for a boring garden but at least it's alive!

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