Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Documented Life Project

June Theme
Travel Journaling
June 27
Art Challenge: Photos and Words
Journal Prompt:  A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I had no idea what pictures to use for this one so I just started out by creating a background. Once I had that done I started going through my picture files and the lilies were the right color to match so that's what I went with. As for the journal prompt, I was at a loss for what I could possibly write on this so I just went with the word Daylily. The paper flower in the bottom corner was something I was playing around with so it went on the page for a little something extra


MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful and i like the background even all by itself.

Out on the prairie said...

nice idea, I am enjoying lots of lilies around my yard

Unknown said...

Is Gibbs snickering? Not that he would have a reason to, mind you.

Marie said...

you always create something pretty!
miss you two! we had family visiting for a week and then hubby was rushed to ER from work. turned out to be kidney stones, which he just finally passed! I'll be catching up soon. :) and I've got to get my laptop screen repaired. lol always something. :)

Sandee said...

I think it's perfect. You're so talented.

Have a terrific day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

It's bright and cheerful...I love all kinds of lilies.

Lin said...

Aw, makes me miss my daylilies. I don't like dead-heading so I removed all the plants that make me work extra. They had to go. Still miss them. :(

Do you make these on the computer or on actual paper?

marie said...

I love Day-lilies....we seem to have a "thousand" of them this year!

Deb said...

Wonderful Ann, love the beautiful bright colours in your background and great pics of the daylilies, they are such pretty flowers, too bad they don't last longer (but then again, I guess we'd call them Weeklilies if they lasted longer LOL!) Deb xo

Sharkbytes said...

You always end up with something that looks very professional. When I do this it just looks stupid

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