Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Google search

I seem to be doing a lot of church signs lately.

Searches aren't the only thing that google can't satisfy. I'm still miffed about them deciding that certain blog comments won't be forwarded to my email. It could be just a coincidence but shortly after they stopped allowing comments with an aol or yahoo address to be forwarded to my email several people stopped commenting on my blog. I hope they didn't think that I no longer wanted to respond to their comments.


Dr Sonia S V said...

What a fabulous sign Ann...I couldnt agree more!!
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts Kids Projects

crafty cat corner said...

Why is everything so underhand nowadays, probably money involved somewhere along the line.That's really annoying losing followers like that, especially if they think you aren't bothering with them.

Unknown said...

I have noticed not receiving an email notice of several comments over the last couple of months or so, and I have been wanting to try to figure out what was going on. Our friend, Lin, is one of them. Her comments will show up as needing to moderated on the main Blogger dashboard, but even after I publish it, no email notice of the comment is sent.

Marg said...

Google can be troublesome. That is too bad Ann that you are losing followers. It just plain stinks. Anyway, have a great day.

Jen said...

How annoying of Google. Seems like some of these folks in the computer/internet industry are getting awfully high handed. I'm still creeped out about the ads that now pop up showing things I've recently searched for. Geez. Stalk much? *shivers*

Not to mention that sneaky little window Microsoft stuck on my desktop for the Windows 10 update. Hello? When I want it, I'll ASK for it. 'Til then? Get outta my space! Hmmph.

Oh, and I'm loving the signs :o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the sign.. and now once again i am wondering if i get comments that don't come in my email. i never look at my comments in dashboard.. last time you mentioned this i looked but then forgot all about it...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just did research and it is not Google causing the problems, it is Yahoo and Aol that changed the way emails are sent.

Out on the prairie said...

Those signs are drawing you in, maybe it is a sign. Think of you each time I read one now.

Sandee said...

I have att/yahoo email. I will always be here. Just saying.

Have a fabulous day Ann. My very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

My emails bounce back to my yahoo account and I don't know how to stop that from happening. I'm still commenting though!

Grace said...

When I worked as a church secretary they left me to my own devices in creating the announcement insert for the Sunday service program - I often included photos of amusing church signs - but not ones like these!

Duni said...

That is a great church sign and totally true!
My issue is with Google+ somehow a bunch of my photos are gone...

Hootin Anni said...

You can always manually check your blog comments instead of relying on Google and email...thing is in my opinion, Google wants to 'rule' the internet.

Donna said...

I use my GMail account...guess that's why I'm still showing up here.
Why can't they just leave things Alone?!

Lin said...

I'm still here and I have a yahoo address. I don't need a personal reply to comments--I'm okay with that. Sometimes I reply back on my blog, sometimes I don't.

jo(e) said...

Usually when someone leaves a comment on my blog, I either say something back right in the comments or I go to their blog and leave a comment.

marie said...

Awesome sign Ann!
Change is good...or so they say! I say "what do they know"!

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