Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Gibbs Report

Hello my blogging peeps. How long has it been since I've given you one of my reports? You realize it's not that I didn't want to do the blog posts, it's mom who is at fault here.

Why even today, I'm prepared to give you a most excellent report but she's only providing a mediocre photo. It's so hard to find good help these days.

I've been doing my best to keep mom on a regular walking schedule but she's so hard to train. Maybe I should look in to rewarding her with some kind of treat ever time she walks with me.

Amanda came to visit the other day. Her and mom were sitting at the table on the deck. I jumped up in Amanda's lap and then right up on the table. Mom didn't say anything and Amanda couldn't believe that she didn't yell at me for doing it. I don't understand why anyone would mind if I was on the table. My paws were clean.

Well I've got some toys that need shaking so I'm heading out now. See you all next time and in the meantime have a wooftastic day.


bichonpawz said...

Ann! I cannot believe how BIG Gibbs is! He has grown a LOT!! What a cutie!! Of course you don't mind if he goes on the table...how could you yell at that face!! :)

Hootin Anni said...

No worries!!! Our two cats OWN our dining room table...and coffee table, and kitchen counters....no big deal.

Tell Amanda, "Chillax"

Unknown said...

Your mommy seems to be coming around, but you can't give her inch. Trust me, there isn't a leash she can't slip out of if given any wiggle room.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think you are my first dog friend i have ever seen with a toy Rhino, an orange Rhino at that. mom gets extra points for not yelling at you on the table, so that could make up for no regular walking..

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Dear Mr. Gibbs - you are the cutest little thing and I can't even image why Mom would yell at you for anything! Have a great day and keep cool ... Katie

Grace said...

There is no reason for the Mom to not provide us with most excellent photos of you...you really need to whip that woman into shape...

Out on the prairie said...

hen camping once I visited the neighbor and mine walked up on the picnic table and she almost blew a gasket. I never care.

Sandee said...

I could use more photos of you and more posts too. I'm kind of partial to you.

Good for you for jumping up on the table. I laughed out loud.

Have a woof woof day Gibbs. My best to your mom. ♥♥♥

Donna said...

hiya, Gibbs!

bichonpawz said...

Hey Ann! Could you let me know your shipping address and what size door you=
would like? The doors are on http://petsafe.com

Jen said...

Do you think you should get a whistle like the other coaches wear Gibbs? Maybe a good toot or two might get your Mom motivated so you can take her for a walk. We are under a canine invasion here this week, but I don't think I'd like anyone on the table...even if their paws are clean ;o)

Lin said...

Good to hear from ya, Gibbs!

BeadedTail said...

We agree with Grace, get your mom to start taking lots of great photos of you! We're trying to figure out what's wrong with getting on the table and we just can't come up with anything. Hmmm.

Angel & Isabella

Reeni said...

I think you look super cute in this picture Gibbs! And so happy too! I missed you! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

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