Thursday, July 23, 2015

Project 365 week of 7/12/15

7/12 We left Sunday morning to head back home. I meant to take a picture of the hotel before we left and I forgot. Instead you get my potato chips that I snacked on when we made a pit stop at a rest area.

7/13 Wade made the comment that he should have taken this day off too. Instead he went back to work and I had the day off to finish the book I was reading. This was a free one and it had a bit of a surprise ending

7/14 They changed the church sign and I had to stop and take a picture of it.

7/15 Well I can't tell from the picture but I'm pretty sure I was taking a picture of the temperature. If I remember correctly it was 91 when I left work.

7/16 Yes Gibbs, I'm confused by me too

7/17 A simple dinner. BLT sandwiches. Works for me

7/18 Amanda demonstrating the amazing gripping power Gibbs has on that toy. Gibbs keeps her entertained while she does her laundry


Christine said...

I did laugh when I read the church sign! Good one!

Out on the prairie said...

BLT is a summer sandwich around here. I have 8 varieties of tomatoes and just started to get some. I have eaten them for breakfast. Lots of good veggies around me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Gibbs has a new nickname... Jaws! wow.. i love roasted marshmallows,and now i want one.. love me a BLT especailly if someone else cooks that bacon.

Marg said...

Sounds like a great week to us. That Gibbs is one strong pup. You all have a great day.

Grace said...

The C of C is always sure-fire entertainment.

Sandee said...

Love the church signs you post. That's always the first picture I look at and then it's Gibbs. Excellent.

Have a fabulous day. My very best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Hootin Anni said...

Those morning walks [or night] with Gibbs is keeping him in prime shape!!!

I am not sure I've ever met a pastor 'on fire' before, but I do remember asking one where hell was!!! He never did answer me.

BeadedTail said...

Good idea keeping the snacks in the back of the vehicle so they're not so easy to get! :) The church sign made me giggle too!

Unknown said...

Laundry? Methinks that was actually a sandwich that Gibbs also got a hold of.

Deb said...

Another great church sign and great pics of Gibbs ☺

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