Monday, August 10, 2015

Documented Life Project

July Theme
July 25
Art Challenge: Real Life
Journal Prompt:  At this Moment

I didn't quite get the prompts for this one. I'm not sure why they just didn't make sense to me but that's the way my brain works sometimes.

I started out painting my page and the look I was going for turned out totally awful. I happened to have some tissue paper that has typed words on it. I glued a piece to the page and the ugliness underneath it showed through just enough to give it a really amazing look. At least I thought so.

I didn't do a whole lot more to this once I glued the tissue paper on. I used a sharpie to outline certain phrases on the tissue that I wanted highlighted.  I smudges a little off white paint in a few spots to help emphasize the wrinkles in the tissue. Then I wrote out the words Real Life and Right Now on a piece of paper. I colored them then cut around them and glued them on to the page.

I love the look of the wrinkles on the page. They add some really nice texture.

I took an embossing tool and went around the letters to give it a bit of a raised feel.

And then I called it done.


Duni said...

I love the use of the tissue paper with words in this one!

Out on the prairie said...

My brain wasn't receiving a lot either, good job.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea that tissue paper with words even existed. i really like that background and the embossed writing is perfect... in Real Life you are very creative and talented

Christine said...

I agree! The prompt was a bit vague but the tissue paper print worked out well!

Unknown said...

Methinks a blank page would have actually accurately followed the given prompt. After all, did you not draw a blank at the moment? (If you still don't get it, ask Gibbs.)

Sandee said...

And if you say it's done, then it's done.

Have a fabulous day Ann. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

I never knew what Sandra mentioned. Tissue.

Beautifully done your journal.

BeadedTail said...

I like the use of words on this one. Turned out great as usual Ann!

Marie said...

You're so creative! I love your commitment!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I aways admire your artist ability and creative spirit. Also catching you on your posts - lucky you or should I say lucky Gibbs for winning a doggie dog. Have a great week Ann.

Deb said...

Love the texture and great idea to use the embossing tool around the lettering!

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I love what you said about the ugliness underneath showing through to give an amazing look.
it is how I feel about myself at times.
We all have an ugliness underneath...
But when it's covered and been made 'right' ... that ugliness, is the part of us, that reminds us where we came from, in order to get to this point.
Some people hide it well-- I find it hard to trust those types, or I have pity on them.
But the ones who allow it to show through to the amazing side-- I call them interesting and possibly worth knowing!

thank you for sharing your artwork!

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