Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Project 365 week of Aug 9th

8/9 Day old Italian bread being made in to garlic bread. Just one of the many fascinating parts of my work day.

8/10 6:00 am the sky looked amazing to me. I couldn't help but sit and take several pictures of it before the sun came up.

8/11 A friend of Wades cut down some trees on his property and brought them over to Wade for his back yard fires. This was the third day the big pile of tree branches were sitting waiting to be cut up.

8/12 Gibbs doing what he does best. Looking cute

8/13 One of the nice things about my job is that if I find a recipe I want to try but don't necessarily want to spend the money without knowing if I'll like it, I can try it out at work. I found this recipe for Pina Colada Fluff  and made it at work. It's really good and it's selling too. If you would like the recipe you can find it at this link Pina Colada Fluff 

8/14 Stopping at the beer distributor. While Wade got his Miller Lite I took a shot of Busch and Bud

8/15 The zucchini that a friend of ours gave us. I got started bright and early making zucchini bread and zucchini brownies


Deb said...

Love that morning sky and Gibbs is looking adorable as always! Mmmm,zucchini bread and brownies, num!

Duni said...

I love zucchini in bread and muffins. I haven't tried it in brownies yet! Hope you'll share the recipe :) Gibbs is looks so cute in the picture!

Out on the prairie said...

The fluff rang a bell for me. MMMMMMM I grill small zuchinni

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I roast the zuchinni, sliced long ways in half, brushed with olive oil sprinkled with garlic salt and grated cheese... yum bring on the brownies. have never had those. Gibbs is almost as cute as The Gibbs he is named after...

Sandee said...

My two favorites in this order are...Gibbs and the sunrise. Yes indeed.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Christine said...

Gibbs is a sweetie - give him a hug from me! You're going to be warm this winter as long as the wood gets chopped!

Grace said...

I like that you use left-over bread to make another saleable item. And what fun that you get to make desserts that aren't on the 'corporate' menu.

BeadedTail said...

I enjoy these posts! Hope Wade has cut up that wood by now! :)

Unknown said...

Love the morning sky picture, and Gibbs looks cute as always. Have a great day :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

I'd love being able to try out recipes at work. I'd try all kinds of new things.

Ida said...

Okay what exactly is your job? - Do you work at a grocery store?
I would enjoy testing new recipes and the Fluff sounds yummy. Also the zucchini brownies & yes Gibbs does look cute!

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