Monday, August 24, 2015

Was it something I said?

I shouldn't look at the numbers but I do any way and the numbers say that a whole lot of people stopped commenting on this here little corner of the blogosphere. Maybe I said something wrong or could be I just got too boring.  I sure do appreciate the few of you who still stop by and leave me your comments. Without them I think I would have to just give up blogging.

I should give you a flower or something.

Too bad I didn't think of it sooner because now it's dead.

Will you keep coming back any way? Please!!!!


bichonpawz said...

I will Ann!! Even for dead flowers!! Bwahahahaha!!

Rick (Ratty) said...

The flower's nice, and so is all your other stuff. I'll keep coming back even without the flower.

Duni said...

Don't worry about it too much, Ann. When I started blogging in 2008 I used to get at least 20 comments per post. Since then the internet has been swamped with new blogs. I guess people just dash off from one blog to the next ;-)

Christine said...

Hi Ann! I'm back as you always give me a laugh and I did when I saw the dead flowers! Dun'is right about so many blogs and so little time

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann do not be disheartened...the commenting trend has jut decreased. When I go through my old posts from 2 yrs back I found that posts often got 100 or so comments but nowadays its an average of 20 to 30 . Many of our old blogger pals have stopped blogging, some have shifted to facebook and many who still blog follow a lot of blogs sometimes blogposts get lost in the dashboard.
Dont stop blogging Ann...there are many like me who still drop in

Hootin Anni said...

I'm here....
I don't always visit these days since my heart attack. I try to keep myself busy with exercising, doing something active... etc. So, that leaves very little time to sit at the computer.

Your blog is a great blog. So...keep up the good work!!!

Out on the prairie said...

My number have been down. I had 8/44 for my last post.I used to get lots.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the flower and i like my dead flower best. i do love dead flowers. and it is not you. mine has dropped almost in half.. i think it is because more people are giving up blogging. they are doing twitter, pinterest and facebook instead...i could name about 6 or 8 that no longer blog that i followed since 09, and they are ones who follower your blog to.

Grace said...


Jeanette said...

I come here every time you post, although I don't necessarily comment!

Connie said...

Hi Ann, I think that this is just a very busy time of the year for a lot of folks . . . we love you and we are not going anywhere. Now, put on that lovely smile and have a marvelous day:)
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)

marie said...

I know I don't spend near as much time reading other blogs and writing my own. I try to play catch up every week or so...but it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day. I'm on Facebook and Instagram too...but I don't think that's why I blog less. My work situation is changing...I'm hoping I'll have a chance to just kind of organize my life! I really would like to regularly fit blogging in again.

Sandee said...

I've never stopped visiting. I do know that when people quit visiting me I eventually quit visiting them. The way of things.

Have a fabulous day. My best to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Hootin Anni said...

ps....I'm back 'cause you left a comment upon your visit. I got to thinking, it may be slower for your blog and comments 'cause when you use your phone/iPad to visit your link with your name doesn't take us to your blog!! In fact, the link from Ann T. has a broken link.

Just a thought.

Sharkbytes said...

I'm more or less here. My life is somewhat complicated at the moment.

BeadedTail said...

The numbers must lie because I always see lots of comments when I come by. Maybe summer got some people busy though. We're here!

Deb said...

Well, number one I will always keep coming back Ann 'cause I love your posts (and Gibbs too of course, but don't tell him because he doesn't need his head swelled any larger than it is!) and two, your numbers are probably down because people are away on holidays or busy with the last few days of summer hurrying by. I can't imagine anyone not stopping by to say hi and to see what you've been up to, always something new and fun here! Deb xo

Lin said...

I think blogging and commenting is declining steadily. I've noticed that I only have the tried and true who have been good blogging friends from the old days. I've thought of giving it up, but I still like visiting my blog friends and I like to post every now and then too. I guess we'll know when the time is right to close shop.

Until then....

Thanks for the lovely flower.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Sweetie----I'm one of the 'bad' ones who don't visit much of anybody these days... My life is just so full of so many things --and my days of blogging are limited. BUT--please don't take it personally... It's not YOU... It's just me--and my priorities these days...


Ida said...

First I want to say I enjoy your blog. Second, numbers...who cares? The reason for blogging should be to have fun, share what makes you happy & enjoy other people's blogs. - Yes it's nice to get comments but just remember that blogging should make you happy first and foremost. - Which by the way I'll be visiting no matter what.

Donna said...

Pretty flower photo! I try to not look at my numbers. For whatever reasons, people read and run. I am guilty of it when I am pressed for time. And if I commented on every blog post I visited, I would spend most of the day glued to my computer chair. I'm lucky to get 10% of visitors to comment. Think about quality over quantity!

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