Friday, August 7, 2015

Not much of a swimmer

Wade had been hoping that Gibbs would follow in Duke's footsteps and be his pool partner. He kept threatening to throw him in and the only thing that saved Gibbs from that fate is that I wouldn't let him do it. He did carry him in though and Gibbs will swim but he's not in to it like Duke was.

He's a bit skeptical of the rafts too.


Grace said...

That does not look like a happy puppy!

Out on the prairie said...

Lily loves the water where Daisy doesn't have the same passion.Lily would rather be in a lake or pond rather that the pool, but wants to use me as a raft.

The large plant behind me in my last post is called a Compass Plant.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Haha. You caught the "I'm not sure I like this" expression perfectly!

Duni said...

I guess just like people, some dogs love to swim others don't! I like being near water, but not in it ;-)

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwww, such a sweet sweet dog. That face would melt the heart of an mean ogre. I love 'im!!

Maybe in time, he'll learn to enjoy being on his raft. Who knows.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we had one dog that was a water rat like Duke was, the other 3, none of them could swim and hated the pool... Gibbs looks like OH NO, what i do wrong to be put adrift

BeadedTail said...

We think Gibbs prefers being with his mom instead of in the pool with his dad! By the way, all the tomatoes in our post today are from our garden. We kinda planted way too many tomato plants! Lots of salsa though!

Sandee said...

Some dogs are water dogs and some aren't. It's just the way it is.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Christine said...

Gibbs doesn't look too comfortable. At least you saved him from a dunkin'!

Marg said...

Ande never liked swimming either. Guess it just makes Gibbs nervous.Maybe he will get used to the raft idea. Have a great week end.

marie said...

I was always amazed at how much Duke like the's obvious that Gibbs is a bit more of a land lover!

Unknown said...

You do realize that Gibbs now has photographic evidence to use against you in court--right?

Deb said...

Oh Gibbs, you don't look real happy buddy! Our big guy was terrified of water at first, but now is a confirmed water dog and loves swimming so don't give up yet, it may grow on you!

Helen said...

Gibb, you are not a lone, I can't swim either.

Ida said...

Oh my he does look a unamused here. Well at least he gave it a good try.

Reeni said...

AWW! Soaking wet he's still cute! I hope he gets used to it!

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