Thursday, January 14, 2016

A little of this and a little of that

Bloggers come and bloggers go. There are some I know of that quit the blog and post only on facebook. One in particular I haven't heard from in a long time even though she used to comment here every day. I just figured she quit reading and commenting on blogs too. At least I thought that until I started seeing her comments on other blogs.  I hope it wasn't something I said but if it was I suppose that's ok too. Not everyone has to like what I post. At least there's still about 7 of you who I haven't offended in some way.

Any guesses on how many of the index cards I've done so far?

Counting this one...

I have done...


I enjoy doing these because they're small and quick. 



Duni said...

Wow, that's impressive, Ann!
I sometimes wonder what happened to certain bloggers too, but I guess that's life ;-)

Out on the prairie said...

I lost a few, but enjoy my followers I maintain.Have seen a few phase in and out on their posts.

Lin said...

I've had that happen too. Sometimes they quit following and sometimes they just don't come by anymore. That's okay. I have changed my blogging style over the years. What might have been an interesting read back in the day, might not be so now. I'm sort of boring now that the kids are gone and I am working more hours. I've got nothing to write about!

You still have me! I'm here. :)

Grace said...

They're small and quick? Okay maybe small but these cards seem to involve a lot of thought and effort. Especially thought...and some a huge effort from your descriptions...They are a marvelous bit of creativity.

Hootin Anni said...

110? I think you have not shared them all, at all!! More...we want more.

Heck, don't fret over someone who stops visiting. I notice one guy who a long time ago used to visit my blog and stopped. Big deal. I figure since I've seen him comment on others [mostly women of HIS age] he thinks he is a lady's man!!! rofl. And I say, no skin off my butt. Be that way.

I've always loved your humor mixed in with your craftiness. Keep up the good work and again, don't fret.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

110 cards OH MY... had no idea. about the dropped comm-enter. a couple months ago, i had a person i thought had stopped posting and i saw her in comments. when i checked, he blog had disapeared from my dashboard and my feedly list. she stopped coming because i stopped and i stopped because she disapeared and i did not know. go to her blog and see if she has been posting, you may have dropped out of her list. make a comment on her post and see what happens. the blogger is stopped commenting on thought i quit her

Marg said...

Wow, 110, that is a lot. But I sure enjoy them. They are great. I wouldn't worry about people stopping commenting. Lots do move over to Facebook. I still love the blogging and Facebook is just a quick fix. It is fun reading your blog Ann.

Jeanette said...

I enjoy your cards, too!

peggy said...

I wish I had all 110 to look at. I keep them in a board on my clipix and have loved every one of them. When I have some time I will go back and see if I missed any of them. Sometimes I send them to pinterest too. See how happy you are making us!

As for commenting and posting, I am a spasmodic poster and a spasmodic commenter. Maybe I should have that written somewhere so folks don't think I have abandoned them. Thanks Ann.

Connie said...

Hi Ann, do what you enjoy and don't worry about offending anyone . . . remember . . . you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time. Hey, that might be a good verse for one of your index cards. Wow, 110 that is a pretty big stack, how fun!
Have a happy day and keep smiling.
Connie :)

Sandee said...

What Marg said about Facebook is true. I've dear friends that never visit me anymore and if I want to talk to them I have to on Facebook. I've never seen you post anything offensive on your blog. Just saying.

I've lost many commenters too and many I was glad to see go. Some folks just grate on your very last nerve. I'm sure you've met a few of these.

Have a fabulous day and I LOVE your index cards. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Unknown said...

It helps to not pay real close attention to what one comments on. Well, at least that works for me--especially around crafty people. What works even better for me is focusing upon calling attention to myself (and Gibbs, of course).

Judy said...

I recently found your blog and look forward to seeing what new card you've made. I guess I don't comment because I don't think I have anything original to say, but I do want you to know how much I enjoy your postings. About five years ago I discovered ATCs and had so much fun making them. I would imagine making them on index cards is just as much fun. Sadly, life got in the way and I don't have as much time to make them like I used to, but every once in awhile I still putter around in my crafting room and make one. I've saved them all in a recipe file box and enjoy getting them out to look at.

Christine said...

Oh no I hope it wasn't me as I am sorry to have missed your last few posts.
Now I'm stressed out! Apologies for getting behind!

Reeni said...

Well, poo on her! I've lost a lot too! Oh wells. It's their loss. I like the card! You must have quite a collection by now.

BeadedTail said...

110? That's a lot of creativity! We've lost some commentors too but that's okay. We so far still enjoy blogging and appreciate everyone who takes time out of their day to visit!

Deb said...

110?! Wowsers, what an accomplishment, congratulations! And lots of folks now only use Facebook, I can't stand it so afraid you are stuck with me :O)

Ida said...

That's a lot of cards for sure. - I'm still here by the way.

marie said...

110! I am impressed!
I am really trying to get back into blogging...both reading and writing.
So glad to see that you're still active here!

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