Saturday, January 16, 2016

Beauty is only skin deep

Or sometimes 3-6 inches

Do you have snow where you're at?

For some fun things to do in the snow, check out 12 fun things to do in the snow


bichonpawz said...

We had some snow...not a lot. But a little bit. We are WAY behind where we normally are at this time of year. I do not mind one single bit!! There are some good ideas at the link you have here!

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW is that your home / neighborhood Ann ?

Marg said...

Such a pretty picture but I do enjoy looking at it from inside my house. I am sure there are lots of fun things to do in the snow but not for this old lady. Ann you have a great week end.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful church and awesome photo of it.. we have no snow, but i remember 55 years ago my favorite thing to do in the snow was make ice cream out of it.

Grace said...

That is a lovely photo and I'm glad I'm not there and the snow is not here!

Sandee said...

No, we don't have snow here. I think it snowed in 1976 and it lasted about two hours and then was gone.

The 12 things to do in snow. I don't want to do any of those things. I'm just saying.

Have a fabulous day Ann. Big hugs to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Christine said...

A sweet snow scene, Ann! Our skiff of snow soon melted yesterday.

Unknown said...

Have I ever mentioned how tiresome it can get seeing brown everywhere this of the year? (No, I will not be letting this go anytime soon.)

Out on the prairie said...

Still a lot on the ground here, spitting a bit today.The maple candy sounds best in your 12 things.

Hootin Anni said... snow here. Thank Gawd!!! Lush and green in most areas.

Lin said...

It's beautiful, Ann. I hope you enjoyed how lovely it is.

I am working on being less negative this year. Can you tell? Am I fooling anyone? ;) said...

Great title for such a fabulous photo. The "Beauty" of this image is "Skin Deep." I can feel the freezing temperature all the way through my bones, but being there would be worth it.

The limbs on the trees in this photo look like they're painted against the sky.

But, to answer your question, the weather in South Louisiana is cold for us, but nowhere close to what your experiencing in Pennsylvania. It feels like Spring/mild Winter, here.

But, I'm still hoping for snow. (I dream big!) :)))

Have a great evening, Ann.

Duni said...

We got a little snow during the night. Hopefully it will all melt by the end of the day :)
Happy weekend!

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