Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A good start

It was a good start to the year yesterday. Other than the fact that it snowed again and I haven't been out of the house other than to go to work in over a week. The snow once again foiled my plans to get out and do something. It was still a good day though. I did a little playing in my craft room. I also went out and did a little shoveling in the morning.

So are you tired of seeing my snow pictures of my front and back yard  yet? Well here's one of the tree in the front yard taken through the window.

Around 10 yesterday morning I noticed a missed call on my phone and a voicemail. It was the manager from work telling me to call my neighbor. She didn't have my number so she called the store and asked them to call me and tell me to call her back. When I called she told me not to go out and shovel again, her husband was going to be coming over later with the snow blower. It wasn't all that bad since I've been keeping it pretty cleaned out but I still appreciate him doing it.

So why am I doing all this shoveling? Well Wade isn't allowed to (although he thinks it would be fine) He's still on his 2lb weight restriction from his surgery. He has friends who would be all too willing to come and plow for a fee. I'm cheap and refuse to pay for something I can take care of myself. Not to mention when they plow it's when it's convenient for them not necessarily for me.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope Wade is doing well, and listening to you!! Nursing men is not a walk in the park. If only they would do what the doctor says! So nice of your neighbor!

Sharkbytes said...

The plow people generally make a mess of the lawn and don't put the snow where you need it, and don't come when you actually need to get in or out

MadSnapper n Beau said...

God bless your neighbor to helping out and what a creative way to contact you. love the tree pic and i say bring on the snow pics, they are beautiful and since i can't feel the temps, i enjoy them...

Marg said...

It is so nice to have good neighbors like that. Ann, you have a great day.

Sandee said...

It's good exercise too. I get it though. Having someone to help when your husband is restricted is a good thing. He'll be fine in no time and then he can shovel the snow.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Jeanette said...

I remember one winter when my husband had surgery and could not shovel or snow blow. He gave me instructions on how to start the snow blower and the best pattern to snow blow in. Luckily, we had very minimal snow while he was down so I just had to hand shovel a little!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Do keep sharing your snow pictures...it looks beautiful . We do get snow in India too but only in the northernmost parts such as Kashmir!
Dr Sonia

Grace said...

As long as they aren't MY snow pics I enjoy them very much. I did have a quick thought as to why wasn't Wade helping with the shoveling then I quickly remembered hsi recent surgery. Shoveling snow would be a big no-no for him. Until my back crashed I enjoyed shoveling snow - done often before it gets to deep is really a nice time in the outdoors - left to pile up and then it is time for the pros! So nice of your neighbor to track you down by any means to let you know they were coming to help. THey deserve some donut love!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Tell Wade it's better to wait out doing the 'heavy' work until he gets cleared by the doctor. It would be a real bummer if he screwed up his surgery ... and ... you please be careful out there because I don't want to read about the surgery you will need if you pull something out!

In any event, keep warm and how many days until spring? Happy New 2018! Katie

BeadedTail said...

It was nice of your neighbor to snow blow your driveway. Shoveling snow is hard work so I hope you're making a list so Wade knows everything you did while he's recovering so you can put your feet up for awhile once he's better. Lol! Happy New Year to you!

Reeni said...

I never tire of your snow pictures! So pretty! That's so nice of your neighbor to do that for you! It's too cold to be shoveling! :)

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