Sunday, January 7, 2018

Another cold one

Yesterday was another cold day and a good one to stay inside. I didn't go anywhere all day long. I did take down all my Christmas decorations and get them packed up and put away. I went through all the stuff I had, even the stuff that didn't get put out. I repacked everything and labeled the totes to make it easier for next year. Now I just need to start doing some deep cleaning. After the packing though I was exhausted and decided that was enough work for one day.

I played a little in the craft room and I did this little edit.

I recently joined a group on Facebook called craft hoarders. I posted a picture for the first time yesterday and I was blown away by the response. It's a large group and everyone is so nice and supportive and encouraging. I really like it and would recommend the group to anyone who's interested in crafting. There are some remarkably talented people in this group. 


Grace said...

Packing, labeling, organizing your xmas decorations is more than enough work for any human being to do in one day. Phew! Since I don't craft and I don't hoard (anything) I won't be joining your group but why would you imagine anything you post NOT to blow people away? It's not just your technical know-how, which surely is more than enough to elicit admiration, it is also your ingenuity and creativity ithat always impress the hell out of me!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the edit and the quote. my mother had half a dozen of those trees, she always had them in her village, her village was not ceramic, but the paste board houses from the war years. now i wonder where all that went. will take a look at the craft hoarders to see what it is all about .. you know i have no craft genes but i like to LOOK

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see it has 138 thousand members. and that YOU are a member but that is all i can see without joining

Sharkbytes said...

Good for you on the decorations. I don't care much- Omer does almost all of that.

Out on the prairie said...

Been wanting to do a deep clean, maybe next week. LOL I worked about 3 hours yesterday trying to warm up from being out all morning.

Pam said...

I understand about getting out in the cold but I have actually been trying to make myself do that so I don't hide in the house!! haha....course I don't have work to take me out on those days. Wow...I need to check out the fb site. Sounds cool.

Sandee said...

We've been in the low to mid 60s during the day. Cold at night, but not as cols as usual. A very mild winter here. I'm okay with that as long as we get rain.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Andrea said...

I sure do love that quote, Ann.... "enjoy every idle hour". That's exactly what I intend on doing today. Thank you for the reminder to do so. Stay warm! xoxoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this quote! Today I just got our Christmas things put away. Your new craft group sounds so fun. A great new inspiration for the new year!

Lin said...

You labeled everything?? Aw gees...I just cram it all into tubs. There just is soooo much stuff....

Glad you found a new group on FB. It's fun when you find something new. I found a new blog the other day and I am spending so much time catching up on back posts and figuring out who is who. It's fun though.

I started a knitting project yesterday, so I shall join you in getting some fun stuff done this year!

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