Friday, June 15, 2018

Some of you already know but for those of you who haven't heard yet, my husband passed away on Wednesday. I found him when I came home from work. Although he hadn't been feeling well and I had been  bugging him about calling a doctor to make an appointment, he was a typical stubborn male. I certainly didn't think he was that bad. Cause of death was listed as natural causes
His obituary can be found at this link
For the near future I really have no idea what will happen. I do want to continue to post because I need the distraction, I'll also continue to read your blogs because again I need the distraction. Commenting will likely be spotty because I just don't know how well I'll be functioning.


Anonymous said...

Ann, I am so sorry and send my deepest sympathy. Sending my love and prayers. xo

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Ann!! I am so so so so so sorry to hear this. Oh girl... what a shock it must have been for you. My sincerest and most heartfelt condolences to you upon your loss. We are here... all of us... to rally around you & support you. Please keep blogging so we know how you are! Most lovingly and always, Andrea xoxo

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Dear Ann, I am so sorry to hear this and send love and prayers to you and your family.

bichonpawz said...

Oh heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending you love and prayers and strength. We are all here for you. Please know I am thinking of you during this difficult time. Xo Jeanne

Duni said...

Oh Ann, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Wish I could be there in person to give you a hug. Please know I'm thinking of you and your family in this difficult time. Take all the time you need. We will all be here when you decide to blog again.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You know I love you and I care, in fact all your bloggers love and care. My heart aches for you and you have my love and sympathy. so sorry for your loss.

Marg said...

Gosh, we are so so sorry Ann. It must be a really hard time for you right now. We sure send lots of prayers and hope you will continue to blog.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- this is harder than I thought for you. To come home an unexpectedly find him... Hugs, long distance. Did you somehow know he was really sick, though... is this part of how down you've been? More hugs and prayers.

Grace said...

All we have are words to lift you up - but we mean them, and feel them, with all our hearts.

Silver in AZ said...

Oh Ann, I am so incredibly sorry! You must be in crazy state of shock! Cyber hugs and real prayers are all I can send, but know they are straight from my heart. Be kind to yourself; allow yourself plenty of time to grieve and heal.

Sandee said...

I'm so very sorry, Ann. Prayers for you and your family during this difficult time. Know that I love you. I think you already know that. ♥♥♥

Pam said...

I am so very sorry Ann. Cont. to do as you need to do. If you don't comment that is fine, this is time for you to heal and if being here helps then be here, if it don't then stay away. You are in my thoughts and again...I am sorry.

Lin said...

Ann....I feel deeply for you...and I hope that you continue to blog in spite of your hurt. We are here for you in any way that you need. Sending love, hugs, prayers and I hope you feel them.

Out on the prairie said...

Thinking about you constantly and hope for fast healing. You are such a great friend to have.

BeadedTail said...

I'm so very sorry, Ann. You've been in my thoughts since I found out. I wish I could be there for you but know that I'm thinking of you and sending love and prayers to you and your family. The kitties send comforting purrs.

Hootin Anni said...

My gosh Ann!! I don't know just what to say in your time of need! I hold you within the depths of my heart for your tragic loss.

Ann said...

Thank you Mildred

Ann said...

It was a big shock. I knew he needed to see a doctor but had no idea he was as bad as he was

Ann said...

thank you, much appreciated

Ann said...

Thank you Jeanne

Ann said...

Thank you Duni, your hug is felt across the miles.

Ann said...

Thanks Sandra and yes I do know. I think I deleted your number by mistake.

Ann said...

Thank you Marg. It is hard but I will get through this.

Ann said...

I knew he wasn't healthy and needed to see a doctor but I could never get him to go. I didn't realize he was that bad. Men tend to underplay things. This and more that I won't go in to on the blog played a big part in the way I've been feeling lately

Ann said...

Grace, your words are always a comfort as are you my friend

Ann said...

Thank you so much

Ann said...

Thank you Sandee. I feel the love and hope you know I feel the same.

Ann said...

Thanks Pam. I think for now I don't really know what I'm doing

Ann said...

Thanks Lin. I will continue to blog because like I said it is a good distraction for me as well as the connection to all of you

Ann said...

Thank you Steve. Much appreciated.

Ann said...

Thanks Sharla. Loved the purrs :)

Ann said...

Thanks Anni. I'm kind of at a loss for words most days too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I just read this on Facebook. I'm still getting NO emails from Blogger --so haven't been able to post lately... Tonight--I went into MY blog post and was able to get to your blog that way... I was SHOCKED to hear about Wade... Bless your heart, Ann... My love and prayers are with you... Life is so precious ---and one never knows what the next day will bring... God Bless You.


Ida said...

Ann I am so very sorry to hear about your husband suddenly passing away. - I've been away from the computer again for a few days & just now getting around to reading blog posts. - I know this had to be a shock to you & I'm glad that you are still posting and trying to keep your mind on something else. I'm sure this is a very difficult time for you & I pray you are finding peace, comfort and friends who support you and look out for you during this time. - Feel free to e-mail me any time you need to chat. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Ann, I am so sorry. I can't believe what I am reading. My heart is aching for you. Please know that my prayers are with you. I wish there was something I could do to help you. ((Hugs)) I am holding you close in my heart and praying that God is holding you very close as well. Love, Debby

Reeni said...

Wow I'm so sorry! I've been recovering from chemo and haven't been on-line so I'm just reading this now. My heart is breaking for you - I can't imagine what you're going through. Sending a big tight hug and lots of love and prayers. XOXO

Jo said...

Dear Ann,, I've seen you for ages on different blogs. I only just heard about your husband's passing from Sandra and scrolled back to here. All my love and feelings go out to you dearest Ann. Never stop blogging! Blessings Jo

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