Saturday, September 8, 2018


Hello, lets talk aloe.

I'm not very good with plants. They don't last very long under my care. With that being said, there have been a few over the years that have tolerated my neglect for quite some time before giving up.

A few years back a girl at work said she was thinning out her aloe plant and wanted to know if I wanted one. I figured I would try and keep it alive. This girl is no longer with us, she passed away shortly after Wade did after a battle with cancer. I hope if she's looking down she sees that not only have I not killed the plant she gave me but it's grown quite a bit as well.

Here's a close up.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow!!! This is a gorgeous and healthy Aloe! You could not buy one in a garden center that looks any better. Have you tried it on burns yet? Now I want one! Tell me how you take care of much light, how often to water, etc.?

crafty cat corner said...

Lovely healthy looking plant. I saw some of this at the car boot the other day and have regretted not buying it ever since.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are really easy to care for, they love neglect. we have several in the side yard, we use them for cuts, burns, the slimy stuff in the leaves is potent medicine. and two weeks ago I searched for a way to make bruises go away faster, I keep banging my arms. Aloe juice was the answer and it made them fade twice as fast.... by day 3 once a day I could see a difference. yay for Ann keeping the plant alive... sorry to hear she passed on

Marg said...

Well that looks like a very healthy plant to us. It is fun when a plant thrives. Have a great day Ann.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's such a great plant to have. I've used it on burns many many times! Happy weekend!

Lin said...

Wow! That plant is happy. It almost looks like it needs to be split and/or transplanted.

Duni said...

I've always thought Aloe plants are fascinating! Aloe is useful for so many things. Unfortunately I don't have a green thumb.

Grace said...

And life goes on with living memories...

Sandee said...

You do have a green thumb. I'm happy about that. I only have one plant in my home. All the rest I've let go of many years ago.

Have a fabulous day off. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is doing amazing. I love aloe plants.

Connie said...

I am guilty of killing so many indoor plants. Why I cann't grow them, I do not know. Your plant is beautiful :)

peggy said...

That plant will probably do well in spite of whatever kind of care it gets. It is good to have it for minor burns. I don't have one but should have.

Ann said...

I've had it close to a window where it gets some afternoon sun but not alot. I wanter it maybe once a week or when I notice it's really dry. Sandra said they like shade.

Ann said...

healthy plants in my care are rare

Ann said...

Why yes, and that's a nice way to think about it.

Ann said...

I was thinking about breaking it up and then gifting them to other people.

Ann said...

I don't have a green thumb either, this one is very tolerant of neglect.

Ann said...

not such a green thumb, this is just tolerant of

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