Wednesday, September 12, 2018

No clever title

It's hard to come up with a good title when your post subject is rather boring. I need to start doing crafty things so I have more to blog about.
You know this is fair week so here is the cover of this years fair book.

Everything ever wanted to know about the Albion fair is right there in that book.

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen my post yesterday. My lawn looked horrible and was way over due to be mowed. I can never get the rider started and the push mower is still broken. I can use it but it's a workout pushing that sucker. I bit the bullet and mowed when I got home from work. By the time I was done I was ready to drop. I skipped the front yard because it wasn't all that bad.


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh my goodness, that is a big stretch of lawn to mow and it looks GREAT! You did a fantastic job.

Will you be going to the fair?

Enjoy your week ~ FlowerLady

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you could have called this Tha't a lott yard... or Help! Push Pull broken.

that is a lot of mowing to push something that doesn't help, like using one of the old rotor type mowers.... hope fair week don't kill ya!

Grace said...

I thought you had gotten that thing fixed and/or someone to show you how to use the riding mower? That is a boat-load of work for a push-mower but you probably used up so much energy and so many calories that you could guiltlessly treat yourself to a special treat!

Pam said...

It is a pain when your mower acts up. Mine is really hard to start but my friend Chris showed me what to do using a can of spray starter. He works on mowers on the side. Now I just need to get out there and give it one more cut before fall. Sorry that you are having so many issues, you do need to take a deep breath and work on a project, it might help you to reconnect....with something that you enjoy.

Sandee said...

I used to mow all the time with a push mower, but not this much lawn. Good grief it would do me in.

Have a great day and remember your vacation is just around the corner. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Hootin Anni said...

Mowing is a four letter word in my book!---W O R K

Ann Thompson said...

The push mower never did get fixed and my son showed me how to use the rider but the stupid thing will never start for me,

Ann Thompson said...

If it isn't one thing it's another. It's always something. Hopefully while I'm on vacation I can get some crafting done

Ann Thompson said...

It's not so bad when the mower is helping it along and if it's not extremely hot

Ann Thompson said...

It is work that's for sure but when I was wearing my Fitbit it was a good wag to get my steps in for the day

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh. Are you going to buy a new one, or wait till spring?

Ann Thompson said...

Can't afford one now. Will just have to make do with what I have for now. Hopefully not much more mowing this yeat

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You rock! Great job.

peggy said...

You have a really big yard to mow. Mine was never very large anyway but I have taken care of that problem. I planted hostas and sedum and things that come back, stand up and look good and take up all the room so I don't have to mow very much. I use the grass whip on the back yard and the front my old beater lawnmover around more hostas and sedum and finish up with a grass whip. Gibbs would need a little patch of grass to pee in though!

Out on the prairie said...

be right over to cuss at the mower for you LOL

Ann Thompson said...

Believe me I tried that. It didn't

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