Monday, September 17, 2018

It's a good thing...

...I didn't make any plans for this vacation. So far I have done nothing. I'm feeling like such a slug because I have absolutely no energy or ambition to do anything.

At least I convinced myself to get a few more pictures ready for a blog post. Back to the parade.
There were old cars

Old tractors being driven by old men.

And of course there were marching bands.

There used to be several school bands that marched in this parade but the last couple years there have only been two. The one pictured isn't the local school band. This is from the next town over. The kids from the school here were wearing black shorts and shirts and these kids looked more like a band so they get to be on the blog.

I also heard that there was only one girl who ran for fair queen this year. I can't help but wonder if our little fair isn't losing it's appeal.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I think you should get over the idea that you have to DO things on your vacation. I have seen so many people go on vacation, and come home absolutely exhausted! So maybe a vacation means a good rest for someone who works hard. You will return to work well rested and healthy, and that is not a small thing. Plus, the parade did it all for you! Gave us interesting posts, right from your front yard. It is all WIN WIN!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY what Ginny said and I agree... when I was in the workforce, my time off from work was always just being home with no agenda, not having to dress, or do anything I did not want to do. you have been through so much in the past months, take time for YOU and you alone, unless of course you don't want to... do what you want or don't want to do, that is the best vacation of all

Grace said...

Annnd that's what vacations are for - R and R - especially have the frantic few months you have just had. I lovey old cars....

Sandee said...

The fair lost it's appeal to me years ago. Too hot and walking for hours isn't something I want to do anymore. The fair food is wonderful, but I'm not supposed to eat any of it. Getting old isn't for sissies.

Have a fabulous week off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Lin said...

I'm glad that you are taking some time to relax and regroup. You have been really busy with work and handling all of the affairs that needed to be dealt with recently, so it's good to chill for a bit.

When it is hot and humid, band directors make the hard choice of letting the kids march in local parades in band shorts and t-shirts. It helps keep the uniforms clean for marching contests and performances. They only clean them once--at the end of the season, so they do what they can to keep them fresh as long as possible. Our old uniforms were also wool, so if it was really hot, they wore the casual outfits for parades to keep them from passing out.

Hootin Anni said...

Well, here's my opinion...fairs never change. After attending one or two, they become repetitive & boring.

Ann said...

I must be over it because I'm not doing

Ann said...

Yes, they are but I thought I might do something other than read and nap.

Ann said...

Yeah, it really isn't as fun as it used to be

Ann said...

Makes perfect sense. I actually felt kind of bad for the kids that were in full uniform because it was pretty warm that morning.

Ann said...

I have to agree.

Reeni said...

So cool it comes right by your house! Enjoy your vacation! It's OK to be a slug. :)

BeadedTail said...

After working that many days straight, I'd be a slug too! I always enjoy seeing your parade pics!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very nice. It's okay to do nothing. You have had a difficult year.

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