Friday, September 21, 2018

Just another day

Well my craft spree was very short lived. I did not get back to it yesterday. I did however return to the pretty much of nothing routine that I've been following for the week. In the morning I went to pick up my paycheck, stopped at the bank and then to the store to do grocery shopping for Gibbs. After that it was back home for lunch and some reading.
I did pull out the vacuum and thought I would do some cleaning but after vacuuming the rugs in the living room I decided it really wasn't going to happen.
Later in the evening I went outside with Gibbs and I could hear the marching band practicing at the high school. It was a nice night so I grabbed my camera and did some playing while I listened to the band.

This was with a flash and you could just barely see the tree.

I wondered what auto correct would do to it.

My most unique picture of the evening was with a very slow shutter speed.

I don't think I'll be quiting my bakery job in search of a job as a photographer.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

HE HE HE! I am laughing my head off, you played last night, I got up and had forgotten to do a post, but since I was up at 2:15 I had plenty of tiem to PLAY, but I played indoors not outside in the dark. I did take a 4 am walk with bob, our one mile of the day... we did not get mugged or trip over something in the dark. 2 of my fears. love the last shot, it is worthy of a MADsnap award...

Hootin Anni said...

First...MADSNAP AWARD from Sandra...funny! Second...I had to giggle about going to the store for Gibbs' scooby do snacks. We do the same here. Our pets are truly company & treated like royalty.

Doing nothing but play is so much more fun than vacuuming!!

Grace said...

One of these days I'm going to figure out how to use my camera on manual and go for a long exposure - I keep reading the manual and none of it makes an iota of sense to me!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I think the auto correct photo is rather cool. Something about the texture I like. I have been spending many days with my sister that lost her daughter and grandchild. It is all so hard. What a difficult journey grief is. Hugs and prayers to you, Ann

Sandee said...

I guess you're doing what you want to do. It's all good.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Sending you tons of love and hugs. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, I love your auto correct sky, it is gorgeous! And your last picture looks like white blossoming flowers cascading down.

Lin said...

You need to go over and watch the marching band. It is very entertaining. Well...I think so, anyway.

I am glad you are taking some down time.

Ann said...

Madsnap award ranks right up there with the typo queen award you gave me.

Ann said...

reading the manual usually leaves me feeling more confused than ever. For some reason it just doesn't click in my brain. The best way for me to learn it is to just play with it. I may be learning wrong but at least I have fun trying.

Ann said...

That it is. I will not scold myself for not accomplishing anything that was on my regular list. I followed the lead that my mind told me to

Ann said...

I thought the auto correct sort of looked like denim. I never thought of cascading blossoms.

Ann said...

I should go. You're right they are entertaining and I just love the sound of the drums.

BeadedTail said...

Pulling out the vacuum is way more than I do so yay you! Lol! I see nothing but a white light in the first photo so was surprised by the second!

Marg said...

That was a fun thing to do. Play with the camera and the pictures. I like doing that too. Much better than vacuuming. Have a good week end.

Ann said...

I was impressed that I got as far as vacuuming some of the rugs :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can never get a good shot of the moon. Hearing the band sounds nice. I hope to dust and vacuum today. We shall see how that goes.

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