Saturday, September 14, 2019

Finally fixed

For several years now the door on the back of my house that goes into the basement has been seriously messed up. The storm door has sat crooked and then the winter before Wade passed away the handle on that door broke and he rigged something up temporarily so it could still be opened. This is what I have been dealing with.
Not only did it look hideous but it was rather embarrassing.

This is the redneck door handle I've dealt with.

On top of how bad it looked, last winter there was a lot of cold air coming in through that door. This year once the mortgage was paid off I knew I had to get this fixed. Finding someone was a real hassle but I did finally find someone. He told me he was really busy but would squeeze me in as soon as he could.

He finally came yesterday.


Hootin Anni said...

Awesome. MUCH improved.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Yay for you! It looks GREAT!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, he did a fantastic job, I say keep his number, even if it takes a while to come, that is awesome repair work.. congrats on your beautiful like new again door

Ann said...

It sure is. It was one of those things that Wade was going to take care of but time ran out for him

Rose said...

That looks 100% glad you could find someone to deal with it.

Grace said...

Whole new door? 'cause it looks brand new and I bet the house will be warmer now too.

Connie said...

I know that it feels good to have it fixed. There are so many more responsibilities put on your shoulders now, but looks like you are dealing with them, I'm proud of you :) Congratulations on having the mortgage paid off, that calls for celebration!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The new handle is prettier, too! But the old fix was kind of low key and not too bad looking.

BeadedTail said...

Redneck no more! That looks great, Ann!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Huge difference. It looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful!! And I'm glad you have someone who can either fix it or recommend another person. That is one thing about all the folks I've met since living here...I have so many contacts (although who knows if they'll be able to give me a hand when it's needed)...:)jp

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you found someone to help. That means so much.

Ann said...

Yes, both the door and storm door are new. The ones that were there were about 30 years old and ready to be retired. It should be warmer. There was a lot of cold air coming in through there last winter

Ann said...

That handle string was my husbands trick as a temporary fix. It worked until the string wore

Ann said...

I hated how bad it looked before but there wasn't much I could do about it by myself.. If only I had some carpentry skills.

Ann said...

LOL, thank goodness

Ann said...

I went through several people before I finally found this one. I can't believe how many people will say yes and then not bother to show up

Lin said...

Hooray! It looks wonderful! I imagine that will help with heating your home this year too. Glad you got that project done.

Gayle said...

You must feel so much better now that the door is taken care of. And a classy user friendly handle to boot.

Pam said...

What a great improvement. My dad and ex hubby loved rigging things up to work just however. I can't stand that. My repair jobs might not pass for perfect but they do get the job done. Great on the house note. I missed that blog I guess....Feels amazing to be there I know.

Ann said...

That's what I was thinking too with the heating

Ann said...

I do, it's a relief to have it taken care of

Ann said...

Between the ex husband and Wade, there were more things that were just rigged up instead of being taken care of right. I can't stand it either.
I made my very last mortgage payment in May. It was a wonderful feeling

Marg said...

Wow ,that is a big difference. Looks terrific. Some of my stuff looks like that too.
Ann, you have a great week.

Reeni said...

Yay! That is really nice! It makes such a big difference. I'm glad you finally found someone.

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