Sunday, September 1, 2019

September morning

Can you believe it's Septmeber already? Where has this year gone. Time is flying by way too fast. Why it seems like only yesterday it was August. OK so that was just totally silly of me but I couldn't help myself.

Just a few pictures from around the yard. That one bloom on the hydrangea is still hanging on although it's color is fading.

The yarrow is drying up

And I have no idea what this is. It was given to me by a neighbor several years ago. I can't say that I've seen it flower every year but it was putting on a show for me here.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Soon all the flowers will be GONE, so I love seeing any whenever I can!

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with you about time flying! The older we get the more pronounced it is. Thanks for the pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if that yarrow and that hydrangea were in my yard, they would be in my house in a vase in not time at all.... brahahaha on seems like August was only yesterday. thanks for the early am smiles. I hate Sept 1 because it is always hurricane season. and extreme heat. my day I love is Dec 1 when the heat will leave us alone

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Loved seeing your flowers!! Am watching Hurricane Dorian. So far staying to the east and moving north, I'm praying it moves more easterly and misses the US altogether. It's been a stressful few days with storm being predicted to hit us directly. Plum Cottage is boarded up and I've a place to go later today for at least a night or two. Already looking forward to being back home. ;-)

Have a lovely Sunday ~ FlowerLady

Marg said...

Those are pretty flowers. Hope you all have a good weekend.

Grace said...

I'm loving the flower/nature photos this week. Your big camera? Anyway, I googled the image of the last photo and it comes up as valerian. Since I know jack-all about flowers I don't know if that's correct. Perhaps a more knowledgeable naturist will confirm.

Lin said...

Be safe, Lorraine!

Lin said...

I am sort of glad for summer to be over. I am tired of watering and the heat, but I like autumn anyway. I think the garden is lovely as it many interesting shapes and colors as the seasons change.

Hootin Anni said...

I don't think I've ever seen yarrow before!

Ann said...

I'm with you. I hate to see the flowers go and I always enjoy seeeing pictures through the winter months

Ann said...

It's kind of scary sometimes how fast it seems to go by

Ann said...

Yep, it's the big camera with the longer lens. I can almost guarantee a good picture with that lens. I don't have a whole lot of plant knowledge so you could be right

Ann said...

Myproblem with summer ending is that I lose all the green that I love so much and then things start looking dead. Not long after that I start to be cold and that season lasts way too long

Ann said...

It reminds me of babys breath. I got this from someone a very long time ago and forget all the time what it's called. I'll remember the name and then forget it again for a

Rose said...

Is your hydrangea in the shade? Seems like the one my mom had was mostly in the shade. It probably had some morning light. I do not know why I have never had one (or more) cause I love them.

Reeni said...

I can't believe it's September already! I've always loved yarrow.

Ann said...

Time sure is flying by fast.
I like the yarrow and used to have a ton of it but something has gotten in the flower bed and choking everything out. There is hardly any yarrow left in there now

The Feminine Energy said...

Your flowers are still so pretty, Ann. Yes, our property is showing signs all around us that autumn is here. Our summer seemed short this year. Even tho summer is my 4th favorite season, even I'm not liking the idea of it disappearing. But alas it will, whether I want it to or not. Each season does that, doggone it. :-) Love, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Pretty. Fall is coming....

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