Wednesday, September 4, 2019

On a trial basis

I've mentioned in the past that Gibbs had some very bad habits. Most were because Wade and I had entirely different ideas of how to train him. Now that it's just Gibbs and I, I've set some very strict boundaries for him. He's not perfect but he's much better. 
He has always been confined to a section of the basement when I'm not at home and once it was just the two of us I also put him there at night when I went to bed. He couldn't be trusted to stay in my room. 

Lately he's been acting a little stressed out about going to the basement. I feel guilty about leaving him alone so much so I decided that while I can't do anything about while I'm at work, I can give him the opportunity to behave at night in my room. Sunday night was the first night. I figured that would be a good time to start since I didn't have to worry about getting up the next morning. Turns out that was a good plan because every time I made the slightest move he would jump up and get in my face thinking it was time to play. While that was annoying it didn't really hurt anything and he did go all night without doing anything bad. Monday night was also successful and he managed to stay out of my face for most of the night.  Keep your fingers crossed that this continues to go well.

Oh and by the way, I do realize he is looking very scraggly. He has an appointment but the soonest I could get him in was September 14th. I'm trying a new groomer. It's one I used once before with Duke but Gibbs has never been there. She was ok but didn't have convenient hours at the time. Now I'm able to get him in there on a Saturday.


CheerfulMonk said...

Fingers crossed that he will let you sleep and doesn't have to go back to the basement.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have to give you props for trying this. Losing sleep is no fun when you have a full time job. So even trying it is very good of you! Keep us posted.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm sure Gibbs loves the fact he isn't shut up at night and has 'quality' time with you. Animals need love and attention too.

Hootin Anni said...

He's so cute!

Rose said...

I hope for continued success with him being with you at night. Gibbs is just so cute...If it doesn't work, buy a crate and crate him...Lorelei's dog Otto did not do good, when he was young, when confined to the basement. (and was confined to the basement when they were gone because of the mischief he would get into upstairs.) So they tried crating him and it was wonderful. He would sleep and wake up and stretch and not be so wild when they got home from work.

A friend of mine was having trouble so I told her about how they did with Otto, so she crated her dog, and had the same results...and hers was even more destructive than Otto.

I don't think his crate is even in the house. But they have a little crate that looks like an end table that they put Rosie in when they leave.

It sounds cruel but it really wasn't...I think Otto got till he would go sleep in his feels secure to them or something.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you are letting him in your room.. and I know he is to... he will get better and better, and I do understand the wake up calls, even just Storm wake up calls get old.. I am hoping he will be sleeping all night long. it takes time to change habits, we had to change a lot for Big also.... Gibbs looks adorable. hope the new old groomer works out good for you

Grace said...

Dogs need company more than cats I think. They also need training. When we had a dog I was the one who had to do the training, my husband was all about the playing. What is it with men and dogs? But I am happy to hear that Gibbs is responding well, it will be better for both of you.

Lin said...

Maybe a regular routine of playing with him when you get home from work and a little before bed may help. I think he is lonely and that will help if he know "Gibbs" time is coming. I also like Rose's suggestion of a crate. You can even crate him in your room if the play time doesn't solve the waking issue. Dogs are pretty easy to train and I think he is just lonely.

Pam said...

Aw Gibbs is getting a fresh do coming up...haha... Sometimes it is a challenge to get these animals to do what you need them to do. Dakota has always gotten up a few hours after going to bed (with me of course) to go out. Thankful that he wakes me. On the other hand he had tummy issues last night so it was a couple of trips out. Chey on the other had does not wake me so I keep a pee pad down in my room for her. A terrible habbit my mom started with her three dogs. Mom started that with the oldest that I recently lost beacause she was 14 and had issues getting off the deck to the yard. But that opened up more issues with her other dogs wanting to not go out and wanting to use the pads. Dakota however being a male don't use those pads but seems to think since the girls could do it why can't I.....not been pretty. But D, Chey and Lily all sleep with me and I block the door to the hall with a baby gate so that they don't wander out and decide to do business other areas. The gate stops them but Lily can still jump it to go to the litter box. Gibbs will adjust and should do just fine.

Sandee said...

Gibbs will figure out he has it made if he behaves. It doesn't take long and you'll both be happier. Good for you and good for Gibbs.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

Gibbs is excited to be with you all night! He's still young enough that he can be trained to do what he's supposed to. He'll learn what bedtime means and know it's not playtime. I say this yet we put Lexi in a crate beside our bed at night! We started that when she first came home because she would chase the cats everywhere. Now it's because she feels comfortable in there and it's her sleeping spot. She doesn't stir all night long so the rest of us can sleep. Anyway, I hope it continues to improve with Gibbs!

Reeni said...

Aww he's still cute with all that shaggy hair!! Hopefully he will get used to being with you at night and go to sleep with you. At least that's what Moon did. But I think cats sleep a lot longer than dogs? Anywho good luck - I hope it works out.

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, dogs are "pack animals" and being in a basement would definitely cause Gibbs stress. You would be better off getting a doggie crate, Ann, and putting him in a crate while you're working. A crate in a sunny and bright lit room on the main floor would make Gibbs a lot happier, I'm guessing. But we all do what we think is right and we do the best we can. Love you, Andrea xoxo

CrystalChick said...

**fingers crossed**
He's adorable all the time, but I'm sure he'll be happy to get pampered and a hair cut.

We have a very old dog. He's used to sleeping in bed with us, and that's ok, but he's heavy probably 85 lbs. and can't jump anymore so Ron usually has to lift him up. And sometimes he's a little too spread out and I have to curl up. The things we do for our fur friends! haha

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Cute dog and I like the b&w photo! We have a finicky little chihuahua. Our sleeping solution was to build a small platform at the end of our bed where she sleeps. Works out great. We are no longer up half the night worried about crushing her every time we roll over!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So far so good. That's nice to hear. Hope he continues to be a good boy. That's how Skye looks right now. She needs to be groomed and our lady can't do it until October 3rd. So she isn't having her surgery to the 4th because I want her groomed before surgery.

Duni said...

Gibbs you are so cute! I hope Mommy lets you sleep in her room furever. I'm sure you will do well. Big smooch.

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