Sunday, February 19, 2012


The red red robin might be bob bob bobbin' along but...

The blue bird of happiness is suffering from eye strain and frustration from trying to read things like this.
 I love you all but I hate this new word verification thing. Was this created by some sadistic creature who has it in for people who like to read and comment on blogs? Or maybe this is just a way to weed out the older, weaker ones with less than perfect eye sight. I'll apologize now to those of you who have this because I doubt that I'll be leaving many comments any more. My eyes just can't take it.


BeadedTail said...

I hate the new word verification too and have given up many times if I can't get it right by the third try. Thankfully, most people have removed it though. Hope you enjoy your Sunday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I totally agree, it's awful!! Many followers have stopped commenting on blogs that have it. I wonder why they changed it? I have the same bluebird and did a post about it a long time ago!

Julie Harward said...

I SOOOOOO agree! I am hating this and am thinking about putting out the same post! ;/

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you, Ann. My eyes nor my brain can figure this stuff out.

aureliaeugenia said...

Nothing can stop me to visit and comment(EVERYBODY HATES THIS NEW VERIFICATION to prove "you're not a robot").
Anyway ,the bird is so blue as is the blues into my heart for this wintersnow that still makes troubles to the people.
Love you,aureliaeugenia dollgirl(11 years young is still waitting for you on that new blog called PHOTOS FROM MY LIFE)

Duni said...

I hate it as much as you! What a strain on the eyes :(
My mom has a glass bird in orange!

bichonpawz said...

Agreed TOTALLY! I have the verification thing turned off on my blog and I hope others do that too!!

Unknown said...

AMEN!!! I don't understand the need for such draconian measures when the new Blogger spam filter catches 99% of the dozens of spam comments that are attempted to be left on my sites on a weekly basis. In fact, it has become quite a shock when one gets through, which is easily removed after I recover.

J. M. P. said...

What can we do? Word berification works for me... Oh, ok, I'll go and remove it from my blog. If I have too many spams I'll head all of them here though :)

Donna said...

Nicely said!! I did the Same... I think we all need to complain to Blogger about it! It won't change unless we do!

Jen said...

On my way to rail away at the PTBs (Google/Blogger) as we speak. I cannot STAND the new verification method; can't read it either. One thing you might try is to hold down the control key and hit + several times. That blows it up enough I can - mostly - see it.

Pat said...

its a stinker isn't it?
I gave up using word veri ages ago, I just moderate all comments instead :)

Out on the prairie said...

not sure why they need or changed it, one blog took 3 times to publish a comment

Betsy Banks Adams said...

As you know, Ann, I totally agree about the Word Verification mess. I even wrote one of my blog friends and asked her to please take it off of her blog. So far, no response... Grrrrrrr...

My blue bird of happiness is suffering from eye strain also....

Cute post.

Anonymous said...

Yup, I hate it. I'm afraid most people don't realize THEY can turn it off...I'm not gonna deal with it...word verification capcha equals no comments.

Lin said...

I took it off my blog, BUT I'm paying for it--I now have spam left in my comments daily. Fortunately, most of the spam is trying to be left on old posts, so I have comment moderation on posts older than 2 days and I can catch it. BUT WHAT A PAIN!!

Dear Blogger, will you please bring us back to the old WV??!

Sandee said...

I'm so with you on this. I think some young kid with great eyesight conjured this up. I have poor eyesight and I'm having a terrible time. I'll eventually not visit these folks if they keep word verification up. What gets me Ann are the folks that have word verification, and comment moderation too. Whats. The. Point?

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Marie said...

The bluebird is pretty.
I completely agree with you and I hope bloggers are paying attention to everyone's request. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

blogger did it!!! and it also put some back to it and they don't even know it. hope everyone gets changed back soon. if you can't read it click on he loud speaker to the right and it says the word

tahtimbo said...

I totally agree! They make them so difficult to read, it's almost impossible to know what to type.

allotments4you said...

I know Ann...i hate the new word verification....I'm hoping it doesn't come up on my blog but I don't know how to check it?!?!?!

Reeni said...

I agree! Especially when I've been on the computer a few hours and my eyes are tired. And did they have to make them so long? Geez.

Susan said...


Chatty Crone said...

I'll tell you what - I agree- I really can't read them. sandie

Sheryl Hastings said...

I was just thinking the same thing and I'm heading over to adjust my comment preferences now. I hate those!

Marg said...

Oh I do love Blue birds. At least my word verification is a little better now. So far I haven't had any trouble with the Blogger word verification. But that doesn't mean I won't. Have a good week.

Blogging Business Artisans said...

Agreed. and some people do not realize that if they are on the new blogger version (the white background) that even if they had it turned 'off' it was turned back 'on'. What a turn-off.


Catherine said...

I concur! Boooo word verification!
Xo Catherine

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Great post! I've been visiting blogs today, and those with word verification got me a headache :-)


booahboo said...

i seriously think that the word verification thingy was created by some sadistic geek too *LOL*

Whimcees said...


I'm with you! I just posted to my blog about this wicked new verification! With my poor eyesight I cannot read those fonts! Ridiculous! Hopefully they will make some changes back to a simpler version. Wishing you a happy day! Love that Duke guy!


Barbara Diane

Joanne Olivieri said...

Whoever created this word verification thing has too much time on their hands and needs to get a life. Harsh I know but, seriously!!!

Sharkbytes said...

I think the new ones are really hard to read too. I think I'm going to take it off and just deal with spam if I have to

Helen said...

I'm with you, Ann. Someone suggested I turned off my word verification when I first started blogging. I'm glad she did because it is annoying and now with two words verification, it's double annoying.

Tammy said...

I was sick of this a long time ago. I think I have mine turned off. They are like those pictures where you are to see different things. Well I see all kinds of letters.

Carole Barkett said...

I agree, it's awful

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