Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why I allow anonymous comments

Last week I wrote a letter to my friend anonymous. Some of you mentioned that you no longer allow anonymous comments. I allow them for one reason only. My daughter occasionally leaves me a comment and she is anonymous.
Any way, when I did my archive dive post about Pringle  Amanda left me the following comment:

LOL I'm sure he didnt leave because of your crazy picture taking ways....He didnt even leave when you locked him in the fridge and he ate all the cheesecake...he liked us for some reason lol

I had forgotten all about the refrigerator incident. Yes, I actually closed the poor cat in the refrigerator shortly after we got him.
I had gone to the kitchen for a snack or a drink or something. I got what I wanted and closed the refrigerator. Later on I went back most likely for another can of coke. When I opened the refrigerator, to my surprise, there was the cat sitting on the shelf. OK, yes, he probably was pretty cold in there but he was wearing a fur coat and he chowed down on a whole cheesecake so I don't think he minded it that much.


Ginny Hartzler said...

We are laughing our heads off!!!! I think of the quote "in space, no one can hear you scream". Well, in a fridge, no one can hear you mew. He does look pretty satisfied in this picture, like he might have just had a cheesecake.

booahboo said...

gosh! that must be scary even for a c a t... but at least there was food :D

Rick (Ratty) said...

When I was a little kid my younger brother shut our cat in our chest freezer. Our mom finally found it days later. Luckily the poor thing was okay. But my aunt came over a few days after that, and while she was petting the cat it's tail fell off in her hand. The cat was still okay, but without a tail. I'm not sure how okay my aunt was after that though.

aureliaeugenia said...

Good Lord,what a story!The best thing is that the cheesecake was delicious and the cat was happy.So,I heard:when the family's cat is happy,everybody's happy !
It's a splendid picture.

WillOaks Studio said...

Oh my gosh, what a story!! But cats do have a bad habit of getting themselves into the darndest places, and not always with happy endings..but this tale was worth a good laugh for a funny "visual"--a cheesecake, for heaven's sake!

Donna said...

Well, he didn't starve!! Hahaaaaa.... Poor kitty!

Dr Sonia S V said...

Your feline friend reminds me of a cat we had years ago-- he was so smart he would lie on the floor and use all 4 feet to open the refrigerator door!!

crafty cat corner said...

Glad I'm not alone with locking cats in. Last night after we had gone to bed we heard a scratching and on inspection found Willow in the cupboard where the cat biscuits are stored.
These little monkeys are so quick, neither of us saw her go in, luckily she was only in ther for a very short time.

Jen said...

Judging by his Cheshire expression, I'm betting Pringles considered his stint in solitary confinement well worth it ;o)

bichonpawz said...

Living in your house must be a freakin' riot!!! Love this! The cat probably didn't, but I think it's pretty funny! I've never heard of anyone accidentally locking the cat in the fridge!!! bwahahahaha!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh my Ann ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hilarious, glad you found him in time to rescue him. if i had a daughter i would do the same thing. none of my family ever look at my blog. oh well. except bob when i make him. love the 3 cats and how they changed. keep diving in those archives, i am finding things i can learn. still have not had time to watch the cartoon making video, there are several.

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

HA! He ate the whole cheesecake! What a funny story! All of those calories had to help keep him warm :)

Lin said...

Poor Pringle! And the cops didn't show up at your house for that???! Sheesh. Here in Weirdville, they would bust your door down for such an offense. ;)

Good for Pringle, eating that cheesecake. Paybacks are a mutha!

Unknown said...

I have no words to describe... None at all... Nope, still don't...

Anonymous said...

Funny story...

Out on the prairie said...

never heard of anyonnne leaving a pet in the refrig,too funny

Duni said...

Well, thank goodness for the cheesecake!!!

Sandee said...

Well he made good use of his time in the fridge. Probably had a tummy ache too.

I do see why you have anonymous comments. I do too.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anne said...

I'm pretty sure he didn't mind at all. I would be okay with being closed into a refrigerator if someone left me with a cheesecake. I once closed my cat in the dryer. He turned out to be fine but he has never entered the dryer again.

BeadedTail said...

I wouldn't mind being closed in the fridge with a cheesecake either! Glad he wasn't in there too long though!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh I am belly laughing - so he survived and had cheese cake too boot! sandie

Julie Harward said...

What a beautiful all colors! A cheesecake cat..very cool indeed! ;D

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever shut my dogs up in weird places, but one time our little Bichon started coming upstairs right as he got to the top of the landing, I shut the door and he ended up sliding all the way down on his tummy.

He wasn't hurt, and even now, years later, I can't help laughing at the memory of him skiing down the stairs.

Catherine said...

Well if you have to be locked in somewhere - with a cheesecake is not so bad! :)
xo Catherine

Reeni said...

I can see how that could happen, almost every time we open the refrigerator in our house Moon sticks his head in it. Tee-hee. If there was room he would climb in. I'm glad he was OK - he was so handsome! Do you ever think of getting another one?

Debra Dickinson said...

And I thot it was bad that my Miss Hope keeps getting shut up in the bathroom cabinet! You'd think she (or I) would learn. LOL. Funny story. Thx 4sharing! :)

Donna said...

ROFL!!!! I've never heard of someone misplacing their cat in the fridge! And I don't blame him for eating the cheesecake. Lock me in a fridge and I'd go for it too!

I don't allow anonymous comments anymore. I hate to cut them off about a year ago. Too many weirdos leaving spam.

Donna said...

And the picture is hilarious!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great story, Ann... I laughed outloud thinking of the cat in the frig.... Love it!!!! (Bet he loved that cheesecake also!)


Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I don't care if they are anonymous... it's what they say.

The refrigerator story is hilarious!

Carole Barkett said...

Hilarious, my cat loves sweets too :O)

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