Friday, February 3, 2012

Listen to the voices

I really need to learn to listen to the voices more. They aren't always wrong and they don't always lead me astray.
Remember I told you I had started working on a rectangular granny square afghan? Basically throughout the whole thing you are crocheting clusters of 3 stitches skipping a space and then another cluster. In the first round of the afghan as I was reading the pattern it said to do 4 clusters. The voice said "What? that doesn't sound right. It seems to me like it should only be 3 clusters." Well I didn't listen to the voice because I decided that the person who wrote the pattern must know better than me. I did not take in to consideration that no matter how talented one might be there is always a chance of error.
I haven't gotten very far with this.
  You may not notice it in the picture but I'm seeing that the ends appear to be wider than the middle which tells me that my voice was right, it should have been 3 instead of 4 clusters. I could rip the whole thing out and start over but I decided that since I most likely don't have enough yarn any way this one is going to be just for practice and I'll make it Duke size.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are like me. For some reason, I am programmed to be a good girl and obey instructions, even if they seem wrong. I can see that the nearest end looks bigger than the rest.

Antonella said...

At least you got everything together and started it... (yeah, I'm a glass half full person sometimes - lol)
Hugs, antonella :-)

bichonpawz said...

The good news is that Duke gets a nice comfy afghan all for himself!!

Unknown said...

It is an established fact (by Barbie, no less) that math is hard for you ladies. So, just let out a cute little giggle, and then go fry Duke and me some bacon.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

It is looking very nice to me and just perfect for Sir Duke to cozy-up on! Bet he won't notice one bit as he's snoozing away.

Philippa said...

So true ... whenever I ignore my 'inner voice' it never ends well!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am not like you or like Ginny, since I can't follow instructions at all. and that is the truth. do not hand me written instructions or a book to learn something. i have to be shown or either just poke around until i figure it out. this looks just right for Duke to sleep on or under. just the fact you made it is a big accomplishment in my world. i also can't measure worth a darn. even when i measure twice or three times, it is always wrong. hubby never lets me measure for anything.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate when that happens?! I can understand why you would question many times have we followed patterns for knitting and crocheting to the letter only for it to not look like the original sample :)

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice job!!!

Out on the prairie said...

An interesting design, Duke should enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to finish that blanket I started in July LOL - the bits left over will go to a new blankie for the kitties...

tahtimbo said...

That sounds like a plan to me :) When it comes to projects like this, I have no inner voice, so I would have kept on following the instructions. If I ever get to the point where I can actually make one of these, would you mind if I had you proofread the instructions, to make sure they are correct?
I know that Duke will love it and it will keep him nice and toasty on those cold nights.
Have a great weekend!

BeadedTail said...

I think it looks perfect to me and it's certainly going to make a fabulous blanket for Duke!

Erika said...

I get so irritated with myself when I don't listen to that voice. Especially when it tells me to eat chocolate.

Marie said...

I'm loving Erika's comment about her voice and chocolate! I completely agree! I'm not good with directions. I do better just jumping in and learning hands on. :) It looks perfect for Duke!

Carole Barkett said...

yep, we never go wrong listening to that inner voice.

Marg said...

Well I have to say, that looks pretty darn good to us, whether it is three or four clusters. Well done. Take care.

Marg said...

Well I have to say, that looks pretty darn good to us, whether it is three or four clusters. Well done. Take care.

Reeni said...

I hate when things like that happen! At least all is not lost! I bet Duke would love to warm his toes on it.

Connie Girl said...

It looks good to me. I always use a cluster of three when I make the granny stitch. Duke will be nice and warm with a pretty blanket to snooze on. Keep on stitchin'

Sharkbytes said...

One of my biggest pet peeves is patterns that turn out to prove that no one actually ever MADE the item.

allotments4you said...

I do see it Ann. I have often had the same problems with patterns and I have learnt to listen to my instincts now as I got fed up with pulling stuff down and restarting. However it is incredibly annoying to have to do this with something you have paid for!!

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