Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friday night it started snowing here and kept going all day yesterday. We didn't get a huge accumulation but enough to make staying at home being bored a very attractive option.
I made one quick trip a half a mile up the road to get a few things I needed to make dinner and that was far enough for me.  The roads were quite slick and slip sliding away is something I prefer to listen to on the radio rather than preform in my car.
Something just occurred to me that I thought I should make you all aware of
I think I'll go take a nap


Pat said...

Enjoy the day all snug at home xx

Unknown said...

Just make sure to keep Duke clear of the snowdrifts!

Jen said...

This has been the strangest winter. Highs in the 70s and lows in the 60s for the past few weeks; the horses are already shedding. Now it's 27 degrees outside, and are you kidding me?
Stay warm :o)

Duni said...

It is freezing cold here, not much snow though, just a thin layer of ice! Pretty dangerous to drive th car!
Happy Sunday and keep warm!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh NOOO not MONDAY!! bob is huffing and puffing about our weather, yesteday the wind was at 20 to 30 knots, so no flying, today the wind is even higher and it is 39 degrees, no flying. he will whine all day, i need to show him this snow pic and he can be glad he has no snow.

Daisy said...

AAAIIIEEEE! Not MONDAY! I'm going back to bed.

Donna said...

Oh goodness...Again??Hahaaa
Glad you made the trip unscathed!

Antonella said...

we had the same here - not enough for sledding, but we had a friend over for the little one so it was lots of running and jumping, and don't forget throwing balls in the house too...

where did you get that scary picture of your furry friend??? Yikes - lol

Hugs, antonella :-)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! We had SNOW too n played. Yes it was too cold to go for a walk, i was bored to stay indoors. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Snow on the cars this morning, none on the ground. Bright sun-shiny day but cold - first time this winter temps are below freezing...

Sandee said...

I don't like snow at all. I love the cat and the saying. Yes tomorrow is Monday.

Have a terrific Sunday. My best to Duke. :)

Lin said...

I started dreading Sundays back in college. That day just meant catching up for all that fun we had on Friday and Saturday nights and now I had to cram all my work in order to survive the week. Sigh. I'm sad to say, it's sorta still that way. Sunday night is bill paying, paperwork addressing, and ironing. Ick.

Monday is just the reality that it has begun.

Out on the prairie said...

A restful morning here, have to work at 2

crafty cat corner said...

You've just made me laugh all to myself in the craft room, that picture of the cat is sooo funny, still smiling....

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, We got a little snow but only about an inch max.... It's VERY cold though.. Was 11 degrees at 8 a.m. this morning... Brrrrrrrrr....

Glad you didn't go slip-sliding into a ditch somewhere...

Have a good day --and yes, tomorrow is MONDAY.... haha

Marie said...

Is that a birdhouse? I'm loving our weather! I'm wearing my boots today, it's about 50 degrees and sunny! Beautiful day! I must go out and about and do some shopping! :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That's just what snow days are for now that we're old...naps!...:)JP

Reeni said...

It was supposed to snow here too but melted as quickly as it fell. Enjoy the rest of your day off!

allotments4you said...

Playing catch up yet again after a busy week...but it's ok because i think you should accept anon comments if you want to...and I have had that hug today...and I'm not so bothered about tomorrow being Monday as the snow is melting and I have a week off work!!

Hope your snow doesn't hang around too long. xx

Donna said...

Hey, how did you get that picture of me???!!!

J. M. P. said...

Mondays and snow don't blend well together. Anyway, I wish you a nice start of the week!

Marg said...

Too funny, not the snow, the cat. Sorry about your snow. What a pain. Hope it goes away soon. You might lose Duke in all that whiteness. Take care.

Chatty Crone said...

That looks like a lot of snow! I'm glad you stayed in and tomorrow is work! sandie

BeadedTail said...

Mondays come along way too fast! That kitty is pretty funny! It should be a rule that everyone gets to stay home when it snows especially when they have to be home to let the dogs out to play in it! :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

OMG...tomorrow is Monday...rats!

Sheryl Hastings said...

We got that same snow! I am really not fond of it myself. And thanks for the reminder. I might have forgotten.

Tammy said...

We got this snow too. Yes the roads were very icy. Good think you could stay home for most of the day.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

That Monday can really get to ya!

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