Monday, February 27, 2012

Since it's Monday

What better day than to say "Well that really sucks"
This awesome cool gadget

Buy the The iPhone 4 SLR Mount at the Photojojo Store!

and me without an Iphone


booahboo said...

cool! but i guess it will be a bit tiring for the arm after a few shots :) happy monday to u Ann and Duke!

allotments4you said...

So have you purchased this gadget then Ann?? I wonder how good it would be and whether it would improve the photos taken so naturally I would love to see it in action!!

Bet it costs a pretty penny though!!

bichonpawz said...

Seriously Ann....if you cross over to the other the Apple will never go back. I always said I'd never stray from my Dell. Until I got an iPad. Which then led me to an iPhone. I cannot live without either of them. You might want to consider it next time you are eligible for an upgrade!

Unknown said...

Keep telling yourself that there is a hidden catch that you would hate, and you will be just fine without it.

Marg said...

Well we don't have an iphone either or a nice camera like that one either. But it does look like quite a gadget. What will they come up with next. Take care.

john bain said...

Very nice. But what is it? Is it a lens that attaches to your phone? Is that a phone? Am I a dinosaur?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welllll I never!!! what WILL they think of next. and me also without an Iphone... it is the monthly bill for ththat phone that is the problem. Love your new springtime Duke header, so handsome with that pot of flowers. you were playing while you were crying in your milk over no Iphone

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! How COOL! You know mom just got a new camera n she is a bit confused with all the functions ... n this oh she loves her Iphone. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Oh! Hope you read my post today and join the guessing game ... Duke might win. Golden Woofs

Out on the prairie said...

A new gadget for me. I don't use my phone much.

Anonymous said...

I'm just gonna assume that is a gag...

Duni said...

I don't have any gadgets like that...
your blog background is looking fresh and spring-y!!

Bossy Betty said...

I didn't believe it, so I went to check it out. WOW!

Marie said...

Wow! They think everything. I don't know how comfortable that would be to hold. I don't have an iphone either. So many gadgets out there!
Hope you have a great week Ann!

Donna said...

OMGGGG!!!Hahaaaa....How Coooool!

Helen said...

What is an iphone any way? I am not into new technology gadget. My cell phone is at least 5 year old. I guessed when you don't have it, you are o.k with it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I wish I had an iPhone! But I do have an iPad! Your eggs below are beautiful, do you display them anywhere? And I do agree that the chicken came first!

Sandee said...

I don't want an iPhone or any phone for that matter. As for photography? I'm terrible. Hubby does all the photography.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I don't thing I'll ever get that! What a wild gadget! sandie

BeadedTail said...

That's a mighty big lens! My phone is a dumb one. :(

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Holy Moosepoops! What a contraption that is! I'll stick to my compact...:)JP

Joanne Olivieri said...

Now that is super cool. And, me without an Iphone as well. I may just have to get one specifically so I can buy that gadget. Oh, way too tempting.

Sandee said...

Love the new look and the new header. Awesome. I'll bet Duke likes it too. :)

Reena said...

Is this for real? Love all these gadgets! And your new look!

Reeni said...

That is so cool! I don't have one either - I still have a flip phone. Tee-hee.

jeanlivingsimple said...

I saw this iphone lens in one of those high end catalogs last Christmas. I would love to have one...and the iphone to go with it.

Lindsey Buck said...

I have seen those before! Crazy, yes, but a little bit awesome. I'm looking into the iPhone thing... but still probably won't invest in one of these. I dunno. Maybe.

Catherine said...

Hmmmm....makes me wonder why we buy big cameras!
xo Catherine

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