Monday, March 19, 2012

Abundance of buds

With temperatures well into the 70's it's really starting to look like spring around here. A quick walk around the yard and I found buds all over the place

I apologize for the abundance of pictures but I just couldn't help myself. I did show a little constraint though and held back a few shots.

On a totally unrelated subject I had to share with you an anonymous comment that came to my email (never made it to the blog though). The comment was left on one of my archive dive posts.  This is what they had to say:
The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought youd have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could fix if you werent too busy looking for attention.
 I found this comment really amusing. They took the time to bash me for my writing but I don't think they took the time to read the post. I didn't whine at all in that one other than to mention Wade's fascination for displaying his middle finger in pictures. That wasn't even actually whining it was more like stating a fact. I suppose however, the whole point of their comical comment was to try and get their link through, which I did not include above. 
Hey feel free to come back and amuse me again anonymous. It gives me funny material to use for my posts.


marie said...

We have a lot of buds budding around here too...I hope there are no surprise killer frosts in the near future.

Oh those silly anonymous commenters...they have way more time on their hands than I do. But you're right, they do provide future blogging material!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't let one person dampen your great spirits! I love your beautiful flowers today, especially the first one. These pictures speak a thousand words, and all of them are great!

Rose Clearfield said...

Beautiful photos! The detail is amazing. It doesn't sound like you anonymous commenter took the time to read your post at all. The best you can do is delete it and move on.

Philippa said...

Love your pictures, Ann! And I agree with everyone else about your anonymous commenter!

Pat said...

The photos are gorgeous!
We're starting to get buds here, but we're still getting frosts!

What people will do to get a link in! *rolls eyes*

Catherine said...

Spring is busting out all over at your house Ann! Lovely!

Clearly this person's mother did not teach them the golden rule of "if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Oh well. It does provide a good chuckle at their expense. ;)

Happy Monday Ann!
xo Catherine

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Beautiful photos Ann! Those anonymous comments... just amazing, aren't they!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you can never have to many photos for me, i mean the MadSnapper always has this many or more, so does that mean I have to many? i loved that car dragging the skier and who cares what others think about it. people never cease to amaze me. if i pull up a blog i don't like, i close it and move on....keep your blog just like it is because your followers LOVE it and YOU and Duke.

Helen said...

Beautiful pictures as always, Ann! For me, it was never too much photos to look at.

Duni said...

I love all of the photos, Ann! Gorgeous close-ups.
I agree with Catherine about the anonymous commenter ;-)

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I love spring and all that it brings - buds, blooms and pollen! Will look forward to more photo's from around the yard.

Happy Spring,

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if perhaps that's a new kind of reverse psychology. Leave a mean comment with your link hoping you upset the recipient enough that they'll click the link.

Anonymous said...

What kind of flowers are those buds for? gorgeous pics...

Comment moderation is a wonderful thing...I don't mind comments that disagree but ones that are just looking to put in a link..well, now that's not gonna happen!

Unknown said...

So, you aren't taking my insulting comments seriously? Hey, I have worked really hard on some of them!

Anonymous said...

Wow...them are some fabulous macros!

and about that

Donna said...

They don't bother to read...they just copy & paste the same comment at random! Karma will catch them, butt Good!
Love the buds!!

Anne said...

That first photo is gorgeous. I can't wait to see the photos of all the flowers. I can't believe a spammer thought it would be beneficial to be an internet troll. I don't post spam comments anyway but I definitely wouldn't post a negative one. I usually receive spam talking about what an expert I am. No matter what the post is about.

Marie said...

Pretty flowers and buds! Never too many pics. Sadly, I'm not surprised by how rude and insensitive people can be. I just look at the source and don't take it personally.
Have a great week Ann! Hugs to Duke!

Sandee said...

Love all the spring shots. We have tons of buds here too and some trees are already turning green. We start around mid February here and it just keeps going till the green appears. I sure wish we could get some 70 degree days though. It's so cold here.

As for the comment. Consider the source. You're not the only one that gets these. I'll bet everyone does. I know I have had similar comments.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Out on the prairie said...

You found some real charmers, amazing shots today

Debra Dickinson said...

Pretty buds. Ugly comment. Spam no doubt. Good for you on pulling the plug, and the link. And don't ever hold back pictures on my account! :)

Erika said...

Beautiful photos. You must spend a great amount of time with your camera in your hand.

I often wonder at the people that have so much time on their hands that they leave silly comments on blogs and they don't make any sense.

I like your blog. Even if I think you are whining which you really don't:)


Tammy said...

The weather has been amazing! 80 here today. I have not had time to go out looking in the yard for signs of spring. Your picture make me want to go check it out. I love your pictures, you never post to many and you don't whine at all! Anonymous needs to get a life.

crafty cat corner said...

As usual Gorgeous.

BeadedTail said...

I love seeing the buds each Spring! Makes me happy!

Whether or not you whine it's your perogative - it's your blog! :) I can't say as that I've ever heard you whine though.

Hootin Anni said...

To me, there is nothing better than Spring!! Ann, do you know what blossom that top photo is? It's gorgeous.

Chatty Crone said...

I love that flower in the first one - not sure what it is though. And I never read anonymous ones - I just delete. But why people go to the trouble of doing that I have no idea. Sandie

Joanne Olivieri said...

Ann, first those shots are fantastic. It is definitely Spring and I love the compositions in the shots.

As far as comments like that, that is why I have comment moderation. I had one guy who was stalking me and does not like me for whatever reason that still constantly comments on my posts. I don't publish them but I do save them, just in case. Who knows who these lunatics are.

Rick (Ratty) said...

A good sight to see. I noticed today that leaves are sprouting all over my trees now.

Reeni said...

Your pictures are pretty! We had two daffodils and some swiss chard in our garden already. It's so early! And it's hot here. Like summer hot.

Lin said...

What a waste of a comment! Good riddance, I say! Goodbye knucklehead.

I happen to LOVE your blog, Ann. Don't let some fool with a keyboard bring you down.

Gees, I wonder what they would say about the duck and wheel if they thought YOUR blog was bad! Hahahaha!

LOVELY photos today! I love to see the earth returning to life.

Karen said...

I love the photo of the flower with the round tan colored balls. I can see the minute details! So pretty.

Carole Barkett said...

All those buds are so exciting. I can't believe someone could say that about your blog. What a waste of time spreading their own ugliness around.

Sharkbytes said...

Gotta love the buds- no apologies necessary! The email was pretty funny... reverse spam?

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