Saturday, March 17, 2012

Too many ideas

It really stinks when your head is full of ideas and you just don't have the time to work them all out. I have so many ideas for projects rolling around in my brain it's not even funny. I'll probably forget half of them before I ever get to them.
I recently purchased this to make more dishcloths
I absolutely love the colors in it. I've done one dishcloth and now I'm thinking I want to crochet a few desk accessories for my computer room. I also found instructions for making books that sounds very interesting and I want to try that. I've got another crochet project in the works and materials lined up and ready to work on some frames I want to make. I know there was more on the list but I've already forgotten what they are. I better get busy before I forget any more.


marie said...

Those are great colors!
Learning to crochet is on my list of things to do this year. There's just never enough time (or memory) to get stuff done!

bichonpawz said...

I totally agree Ann. My memory is not what it used to be...I sure do love those colors that you are working with!!! Think I'll try to find some beads that color!

Duni said...

I know the feeling exactly! That yarn is so pretty. Hope you get to finish your projects!!

allotments4you said...

I don't have lots of projects that I want to start...but I have way too many hobbies that i want to do in my everyday life and there just isn't enough time in the week..let alone a day!!

The yarn is very pretty colours!

Jen said...

It's SO nice to know you're not alone....

Right there with ya sistafriend ;o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i get blog ideas i write them down, then i forget i wrote them down, or when i read it, i think what does this mean? love the colors

Donna said...

Love the colors also! I REALLY need to get better organized! I am really enjoying playing with my photography and trying to learn it!
Sort of a huge work in progress...
It would help if I sorted things and knew where I laid them...Hahaaa...

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...



Philippa said...

Too many ideas ... I SO agree with you, Ann! Even if we had unlimited time, I doubt that we'd ever get to do them all!

Out on the prairie said...

With me it might get put off.

Donna said...

Start making a list! I understand the frustration all too well. I am looking forward to the 4th time that I've retired, LOL! I've got a long list of things I want to do, plus we need to clean out our storage room and closets. I think the rest of my year will be quite busy!

Those handmade dishcloths are so nice. I had a friend make me some many years ago. I never did learn how to crochet!

Unknown said...

Alas, if only you could focus like me.

Sandee said...

If you didn't have to work full time you'd be able to work on your projects all the time. I can so relate. Worked for years and did little else.

Have a terrific day and happy St. Patrick's day. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

I love those colors too! Don't forget to make the other half of the egg!

Rose Clearfield said...

Too many ideas and too little time is pretty much the story of my life when it comes to crafting. The dishcloth colors are beautiful.

Sharkbytes said...

I used to feel that way, but I seem to have lost interest in crafts in large measure. Not sure why

Sheryl Hastings said...

I know exactly what you mean. I'm going through the exact same thing right now!

Reeni said...

I have the same problem! Too many ideas and not enough time. If only we didn't have to sleep!

Chatty Crone said...

I agree I love those colors - and I have lots to do and so little time! Lol sandie

Marie said...

Really like those colors Ann! I have to make a list everyday. Crossing things off the list makes me feel so good. :)
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I do so admire you crafty people - I look at something and all I see is that it is...not a creative bone in my body ::sigh::

momto8 said...

love those colors!

Debra Dickinson said...

You "make" dishcloths (nice work in beautiful colors, BTW), and I have tons of ideas floating around in my head on how NOT to have to use one. Worth saying again, you're pretty amazing Ann. HugZ!

Pat said...

They're gorgeous colours!

Have now added learn to crochet to my list :)

Carole Barkett said...

I hate having too many ideas and have to keep re-focusing myself. I guess it's better than having none :O)

Bossy Betty said...

I totally get it! Love these colors and that picture!

Hugs to Duke.

Tammy said...

You will get them done. You always seem to get things done. I have not been sleeping very good. At night I seem to think up all kinds of crafts I want to do but just no time when it is day light. I guess my mind is more creative at night.

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