Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's cookin'

Hey good lookin', what ya got a cookin'
Hows a bout cookin something up for me?

I'll just take a little nap while I wait.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope he got something good!!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

How did he manage to jump onto the chair!!

bichonpawz said...

Duke is so adorable and he reminds me so very much of Beemer!!! That is definitely something that Beem would do!! So..what did you cook him???

Pat said...

Now I'm singing... "hey good looking, what you got cooking..." and I shall annoy everyone I meet today :lol:

Duke looks handsome, as always xx

booahboo said...

hope you got some of them human noms... Our hoomans here are sometimes very stingy with their noms.

woofs n licks,

Jen said...

Pretty sure the Dukester has to be the most photographic canine on the planet.
I wish all my photos turned out like his; Duke never fails to look adorable. I look like an idiot in at least 3/4 of mine. *grin*

Duni said...

Hope you didn't have to wait too long, Duke!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, sweet, sweet. I think I'm falling in love....Duke, you're so darned handsome.

By the way, add a link to the very song found on you tube [or a site that has the lyrics to 'hey good lookin'] and then you can add this link of this post to my Thursday Themesong done every week.

Hope your chow time was served shortly after this was posted, you sweet thing, you!!

Unknown said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

well this is news to me, I thought only CATS slept in kitchen chairs. did you get up there by yourself Duke, or do you have to have a boost from mommy. you fit perfect so don't gain any weight.

Chatty Crone said...

So Duke, was it worth it? sandie

Out on the prairie said...

Last summer i went next door to visit while camping and my little dog jumped up on the table , much to the dislike of the lady sitting at it.

Erika said...

Duke, can I come and wait with you? I probably won't eat what you will be eating but hot cup of coffee, a slice of cake, and great conversation would be nice

Sandee said...

I want to come and wait with Duke too. What a handsome man he is.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Julie Harward said...

My favorite thing to do too...wait for someone to cook me dinner, doesn't happen often though! I hope Duke-alicious got something very delish for his dinner, such a cute boy! LOL

Donna said...

Love that furniture AND The Duke!

Tammy said...

Oh feel him a little treat!

BeadedTail said...

Duke, you are so sweet to wait so patiently! We hope you got something good!

Rose Clearfield said...

So true! Angel does that all the time. It's tough when you have to wait a while.

Sharkbytes said...

How convenient that he can snooze on the chair while he waits! (I like those chairs, too)

john bain said...

He is a handsome little chap indeed.

Donna said...

Golly, he is so darn cute!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Duke and all his lovliness! I hope he got a little something special.

crafty cat corner said...

What is it about Duke that's so appealing, every picture is so cute.

Reeni said...

Moon does the same thing! But I think Duke's cuter!

Marie said...

Duke is so cute in that chair! Did he get anything good to eat??

Anonymous said...

Oh fun! My dogs would be up on the table. LOL

Catherine said...

Hey sweet Duke! I hope you didn't have to wait too long for your supper! You are adorable!
xo Catherine

Debra Dickinson said...

Oh, he steals my heart a thousand times over every time you post pics of him. SWAK to Duke! :)

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