Thursday, March 15, 2012


A few days ago I happened to notice the beautiful color in the sky as the sun was setting. Even though I have a very obstructed view of the sunset I grabbed my camera anyway.
Now if I could get my neighbor to move her house a little to the right and the church behind her to move a little to the left, this would be a much better picture.


Out on the prairie said...

It is always peaceful to enjoy these colors.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your post is just like mine today!

allotments4you said...

I don't know Ann I think this is a lovely sunset picture!! I used to have a nice view out my back for the sunset...then they built houses behind us so now it's not so great...can't grumble too much though as it's only a two minute walk to still see the sunset un-obstructed and I have a clear view of sunrise every morning!

Duni said...

Gorgeous! Great shot!

Pat said...

hahaa! Wonder if neighbour and church will co-operate? :)
Lovely colours in that sunset xx

crafty cat corner said...

Some neighbours are so inconsiderate aren't they. lol
Lovely picture all the same.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful like it is. my view of the sunrise from the back yard is like this, only the top of it and the top of the trees show, but I love to watch it come up and paint the trees.

Ann said...

Oh that's pretty! The trees look a tiny bit lacy like the leaves will appear soon. We've made it through winter!

Rose Clearfield said...

Obstructed or not, this is still a beautiful shot!

Unknown said...

Neighbors really can be quite inconsiderate at times. Nonetheless, it is still a great shot!

Sandee said...

Well you could ask them to move, but I don't think they will.

What Rose said. It's a beautiful shot indeed.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

How about shooting from the roof???

Molly Smith said...

You are SO funny!
Beautiful sunset :)

Marg said...

WE think that is a great picture. But do get those people to move those buildings.
Do you sign up for the email delivery?? Not the linky thing. There is a deal on the sidebar to put your email in and then the posts should be delivered to you. Or I will just write to you everyday and remind you.LOL. Just kidding. Don't worry about it.

Beebeebabs said...

Great shot thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

It's still a nice shot. Love that color of the sky against the dark shadows of the trees and buildings.

BeadedTail said...

Beautiful photo! It looks like the earth is on fire behind all that stuff!

Chatty Crone said...

Still a beautiful picture even if the house is in there. sandie

Debra Dickinson said...

Let them know the sky is on fire behind them! It will be easier to move vacated buildings. :) Just gorgeous! :)

Sheryl Hastings said...

It's still a great picture. It makes a nice backdrop for the trees. Very pretty.

Donna said...

Lovely sunset! LOL, it sounds like you compose pictures in your head like I do!

Sharkbytes said...

I always like that glow in back of things.

Carole Barkett said...

Always enjoy sunsets as we don't get them here very often

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