Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Family Dive day 3

I'll finish my little family archive dive with Wade. First let me say that getting a picture of Wade isn't easy since he hates the camera. Most of the shots I have of him he is visibly displaying his middle finger.
This one was actually something that he requested. It's made up of several pictures. The background is a picture that I took at the beach. I also used a picture of one of his die cast cars, a picture of him and a picture of a water skier that I found on the internet. The car, Wade and water skier were extracted from their original pictures and placed on the background.
I wonder what the people in that boat think of the guy driving the car?


Sandee said...

They are wondering how that car was staying afloat that's what they were thinking. A way cool shot though. I like it.

Have a terrific day. My best to the little man Duke. :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

This is way cool!!!

Tell Wade he looks super cool driving that Chevy on water!

Well...I think it is a Chevy. (???)

Unknown said...

Well, I have heard a few Ford fanatics referring to a '55 Chevy as being a boat, but I just thought they were being hateful.

Jen said...

BWAhahahahahaha!! What a hoot! Oh my.
Thank you so VERY much for the good morning giggle (I needed one today :o)

john bain said...

This is very good!

Catherine said...

I was behind and got to read your Family Dive posts all in one swoop! Your last photo is too funny! Good job!

Hope you are having a happy week Ann!
xo Catherine

Helen said...

My first thought was "hey everybody, looks at the guy driving his car on the water! How did he do that?"
Way too cool!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is way cool!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first car was just like that but turn the red to aqua, 56 chevy. cool shot and great idea... bet the sailboat thought Say WHAT?

Out on the prairie said...

fun shot, too bad Wade doesn't pose, that finger never makes a good shot.

Donna said...

I have NO idea how you do these things!Hahaaa
Love it!

Duni said...

That is so cool!!

Whimcees said...


This photo is wonderful! I love it! You are one creative woman! I love all of your family photos! Wishing you a happy day!

Hugs to you and the Duke guy,

Barbara Diane

Anonymous said...

HaHaHa! Pictures of my son look a lot like Wade's pictures. Dang, that finger!

Ginny Hartzler said...

All the elements in this photo are so cool!! It must have taken a lot of work.

Rose Clearfield said...

What a fun idea for a photo!

allotments4you said...

This is a fantastic picture Ann..not only is it fun it's so well put together that I can't see the seems...I actually thought you had put the boat into the picture too...I had to read again what you had written to make sure it was there originally!!

Definitely one to be proud of!

Tammy said...

What a fun picture this is. Love it!

Hootin Anni said...

That is most amazing...what a lot of work you've put into this image, and so well done!!!! Truly, that's a die-cast car? Unbelievable. I like your style!!!

Thanks for visiting with me this afternoon.

Sharkbytes said...

What fun! And you did a great job with it!

Debra Dickinson said...

What a fantastic job! You rock! Surely this is a photo Wade doesn't mind being in. LOL.

BeadedTail said...

I'm trying to figure out what would cause him to request that photo. It is pretty cool though!

Chatty Crone said...

Well done girl - that was awesome - I never even thought something like that was possible. sandie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My---I remember that car.. It's a 1955 (or so) Chevy... That is back in my era --when I was first driving!!!!!

Guess seeing a skier being pulled by a car would make everyone do a double-take..... ha ha

You did a great job putting that picture together... Love it!!!!!!

Great picture.

Marie said...

This is really cool Ann! You are sooo creative!!!

Reeni said...

This is so neat! And freaky!

marie said...

This is great and I love it! You are one talented gal!

Tell Wade he looks good in print!

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