Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Handmade journal tutorial part two

Welcome back and lets get started on part two of how to make a homemade journal.
Yesterday we finished by getting our 4 folios ready.
Today we need to staple those. If you're lucky and have one of those long reach staples this part should be easy. You are simply going to put two staples in the fold of each folio. If you don't have one of those, don't fret because I don't either.
 Open your stapler up, lay the fold of your folio on a big eraser and staple through the paper into the eraser. I stapled about a 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in on each end. When you are done simply bull the eraser off.

Now you can flip it over and bend back the ends of the staples. Don't worry too much if you can't get the staple exactly on the fold. I didn't and it didn't seem to matter. Just get it as close as you can. Also the original directions I followed said to staple from the back to the front but I did it the other way around on this second book and that didn't seem to make a difference either
 In the bottom picture above you will notice then when your pages are folded over they are not exactly even. You can leave them like this if you want or you can trim them. I trimmed both of mine and I did it two different ways. The first time I did it with a ruler and a craft knife. You'll need to go slow and make repeated slices through all the layers. The second time I used a guillotine cutter. It's much easier but I wouldn't run out and buy one just for this project if you don't already have one.

Moving right along. Stack your four folded and stapled folios together and get some clips to hold them tightly together. You could also use large paper clips, rubber bands or anything that is going to keep them tight.We are going to be gluing this edge and you don't want any of the glue to seep down in between or your pages are going to be stuck together.  
 The bottom picture above shows that although the folios aren't real tight against each other I was able to squeeze them together while applying the glue. What kind of glue you ask? You have some choices here. I for one chose to use hot glue only because I tend to be messy with white glue and I knew it wouldn't end well. You could use white glue though just be very careful, maybe applying it with a brush.
You are also going to need a strip of fabric that is the same height at your pages and about 5 times as wide. If you are making the same size book as I did your strip will be 5.5" x roughly 1.5".
Now I just could not figure out a way to photograph applying the glue and adhering the fabric strip because using hot glue you need to work rather quickly. But What you do is apply glue to the bound, folded edges of your folios and center the strip of fabric on the glue. The top and bottom picture show the fabric after it has been glued to the edge from two different angles.
Tomorrow we start on the cover and then finish the book. See ya then


Ginny Hartzler said...

This would make a wonderful, personalized gift book!!!

tahtimbo said...

Thank you for the very good explanation. So, if my feeble brain is still functioning, you are basically binding your folios together?
I agree with Ginny, this would make a great gift: it's elegant, yet personal :)

bichonpawz said...

It would be a wonderful gift for a friend! Great tutorial!!

Pat said...

Great explanation! Will be saving this for later use xx

Duni said...

It's looking great so far, Ann! You make it look so easy :)
Thanks for your advice about the bone folder. Put it on my shopping list :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

You tutorial is so clear and easy to follow. So interesting. Loving this!

Helen said...

I love the staple idea. All the handmade book that I saw on line required making holes and then to sew the book. Sewing is my weak link.
Thanks again for the tutorial.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

phew... i am worn to a frazzle with all this work... LOL. these will make great gifts, bet someone would buy this one if you take it to work.

Unknown said...

I think I might be getting inspired. If the authorities show up at your door, it may be on account of all not going as well as planned.

Donna said...

Looking good So far!!

Anne said...

That is such a great idea with the stapler. While I am unlikely to ever create my own journal, there have been occasions when I needed a stapler that couldn't reach. I will definitely try that.

Sandee said...

Way cool. I wouldn't have thought of using the erasers to staple. Great idea. You are so talented.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Tammy said...

So easy (or you make it sound that way) and such a nice gift. I'll be back to see what to do next.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is great, Ann... You make it look easy --but to me (the untalented one) ---I don't think I could ever do it... Can't wait to see the cover...

Are you going to participate in more craft shows this year? You should. You have so much to offer!

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice and great tutorial tfs!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay this is my problem - I LOVE THOSE BOOKS - but it is so time consuming and precise and I think you have to have your own space, some time, all the tools, and be able to work precisely - I tell you - so far that is not my talent - but that is not to say I am not saving these directions - just in case. I want to do these - but I don't think I can....lol sandie

jp@A Green Ridge said...

WOW! Thanks for the awesome directions Ann. It looks so easy!!!...:)JP

BeadedTail said...

It's making more sense now! Your instructions are great!

Lin said...

Wow. This is a LOT of work. Can't you just make us all journals??? ;)

Reeni said...

Not only does this look easy but fun too! I love the idea of personalizing them for gifts!

Julie Harward said...

Good job on the tut and the book...what a nice little gift that would make for anyone! :)

Marg said...

That does look like a fun thing to do. We are going to come back and take notes and see if we can do it. This is one terrific tutorial. What a great idea.

Sharkbytes said...

Interesting. I used to sew them together, but staples is easy. I like that you put them in the other way.

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