Friday, March 9, 2012


Don't worry, I'm not about to show you pictures of road kill. Nothing gruesome here at all. While we were out in the yard looking around we couldn't find much new growth but we did find some things that were dead.
An old dried up leaf

A dried up hydrangea blossom

and we even found something dead in the house. This rose has seen better days but it's still too pretty to throw away


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, the rose is the prettiest.

Unknown said...

Hi Ann,
You have made some interesting nature studies in these photos. And so close up! You are good at macro-shots!

Thank you for visiting my story about the cats Pierre and Melissa. You are first commenter and get an extra picture-link.

I see you have changed your heading again. Duke is so cute.


Marie said...

It will all come back more beautiful this spring! I do like the rose. Is that left over from Valentine's day? I would press it in a favorite book. :)

Duni said...

Although I'm not so much a fan of dried flowers, the rose does look pretty :)

crafty cat corner said...

I always think that even the dead vegetation is wonderful, there is beauty in everything if you look for it.
Thanks for the lovely pics.
Have a nice weekend

Catherine said...

I am ready for all the dead brown stuff to be replaced by the fresh greens and colors of spring!!

Wishing you a terrific weekend Ann!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

I once dug a thimble-full of something that I hoped was dead out of my bellybutton, but Arlynda wouldn't take a picture of it. (TMI?)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love dead stuff, i would be right there beside you snapping away. i like that first shot, with the little balls or growths on it. i love detail of dead plants up close. the flower looks like if you hang it upside down for a while it will dry and you can take a dried rose pic...

Anne said...

What is all over the dead leaf? It looks infected.

Anonymous said...

Beauty in death and decay - if you have the eyes to see...

Donna said...

That rose is really pretty!
Happy weekend!

Sandee said...

But spring is right around the corner and that means that everything will come alive again. My favorite season of the year.

Have a terrific day and weekend. My best to Duke. :)

marie said...

Love the rose and the hydrangea...but the leaf is a little bit creepy.

Thanks for the inspiration. I'm going to go in my yard after work today and see what kind of dead stuff I can find!

Chatty Crone said...

After death comes life! sandie

Lindsey Buck said...

I tend to take pictures of this kind of thing all the time too. it is incredible to me how beautiful and detailed these aspects of nature can be, even if they aren't photosynthesizing anymore. Love it.

Donna said...

Now those kind of "dead" things can be pretty!

BeadedTail said...

That's why I love Spring since everything comes back to life!

Reeni said...

You just proved dead things can be beautiful!

Debra Dickinson said...

Just confirms that old saying, "There is beauty in death."

Lin said...

You didn't find new growth yet? The sun has been warm here, so there is lots of little green shoots appearing everywhere in my yard. :)

I love dried hydrangeas--they are still pretty to me.

Gaye Brownie said...

I love gardening. It is one of my favorite hobbies.

Love the rose. What a beautiful color.

Anonymous said...

I just dead headed my roses that Hubby gave me on Valentine's Day this week and put them all in a bowl to enjoy a while longer. It's very hard to throw them away.

Marg said...

It is fun that spring is coming. Little things are beginning to pop out. The trees are blooming here and some bushes are too.

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon it'll all be alive. Can't wait for that.

momto8 said...

your pictures allow me to see things i saw but never really saw! thanks..
i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
Spring is coming!

Carole Barkett said...

The rose is pretty but that is one gross leaf.

Tammy said...

I was very excited, this weekend I found tulips coming up. A sure sign of spring.

Helen said...

glad to know my daughter is not the only one who didn't want to throw away dead flower. the dried rose actually looks nice.

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