Wednesday, May 9, 2012


From Wikipedia

The Kinzua Dam, in the Allegheny National Forest in Warren County, Pennsylvania, is one of the largest dams in the United States east of the Mississippi River.
The dam is located 6 miles (10 km) east of Warren, Pennsylvania along Route 59, within the 500,000-acre (2,000 km2) Allegheny National Forest. A boat marina and beach are located within the dam boundaries. In addition to providing flood control and power generation, the dam created Pennsylvania's deepest lake, the Allegheny Reservoir, also known as Kinzua Lake.

Wade grew up in Warren Pennsylvania so we take a drive up there now and then. He loves the area and likes to show me the sites. I'm always thrilled to have something new to take pictures of.

The dam from one side

and a view from the other side

And just one more view from the area.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, it looks like a double waterfall!

allotments4you said...

The dam is much prettier from the 'other' side. But the view of the area is beautiful. I think it's great when they control the water and put it to good use the way they have here.

Duni said...

That dam is pretty huge!
Beautiful area :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a beautiful and peaceful spot. i love to go for rides and find new or even old places. we used to ride every week end for several hours, but since the gas prices and the dogs, we don't do that. i miss it

Out on the prairie said...

A nice area to visit, i would be below with a pole.

Hootin Anni said...

So pristine and absolutely gorgeous countryside. Oh, and by the way, Ann, I LOVED how your 'half' an image turned out too.

Anne said...

What a beautiful area. I love dams. I think they are so cool.

Molly Smith said...

Very nice photos, Ann! I've never been to this part of the country. I bet you didn't know that I LOVE dams! lol My dad used to take me to the one here as a kid. We'd watch the water flow for hours and he'd tell me stories. Thanks for bringing happy memories to mind today!

Sandee said...

Way cool and you know I'd be on a boat on that waterway. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of the reservoir where S.D. lives...the reservoir of the Delaware River which supplies NYC with their water.

Rose Clearfield said...

Gorgeous photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your email box is full, my email came back fatal error.

Donna said...

Nice views! And that's a Lot of water!

Reeni said...

What a pretty place! That dam is humongous!

BeadedTail said...

That's a huge dam! Looks like a very pretty part of the country too! Duke, thanks for the crossed paws to help me through surgery. I know they helped me lots! ~Sadie

Marg said...

That is gorgeous. What fun to go visit that dam. It is something to see. Take care.

Debra Dickinson said...

Wow, those pictures made my blood pressure go down and my heart sing just by looking at them. Can't even imagine what it must be like in person. Thanks for sharing! :)

Unknown said...

Great shots!

Karen said...

That is a beautiful area!

marie said...

Beautiful photos Ann. What a nice, new place to take your camera to. I'm always excited when I find something new to take pictures of.

Unknown said...

Great shots of the dam. I see that the first spring foliage is out on the trees. We are a little behind here.

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