Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The lilac bush

So my lilac bush from last year although it did survive the winter may have taken a bit of a hit on a few of those extra cold and frosty nights we had a while back.
We have lilacs and they do smell good however they aren't the prettiest ones I've ever seen

I've given up on the hibiscus returning. One of you mentioned the last time I posted about it that there are two types. I'm thinking maybe mine was the tropical and not the hardy because that sucker is deader than a doornail.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't the lilacs just smell wonderful? I hope they are close enough to your house so you can smell them when the wind blows.

allotments4you said...

The lilac does look a little sparse....but there's still time for it to come out in full bloom!!!

Weird saying 'deader than a doornail'...I winder why we say it and where it originated from?!?!

bichonpawz said...

Ours bloomed quite well, but were a little strange shaped! This weather has effected so many things!! I do love the smell of the lilacs though!!

Duni said...

The lilac looks so pretty! I know it must smell divine. My mom once had a hibiscus from the tropics and it only flowered once.

Unknown said...

Oh how I hate the smell of lilac, but since Arlynda and her mother loves it, I don't say much about it.

Hootin Anni said...

I love lilacs...we had a hedge of them in Colorado. Down here in the subtropics they won't survive as I've been told they need to go dormant to flower in the Spring. Bah humbug. I think yours are gorgeous tho!!

I've had to dig some hibiscus out of the ground too. If they freeze, it's touch and go if they'll come back...sometimes they don't.

Anonymous said...

At least they are purple and smell good - Ah, the smell of lilacs ::sigh::

DebbieM said...

My lilacs definitely took a hit from the frost down south here. I only had about 4 little sprigs of purple and they lasted about 3 days or so, smelled good, and my white one produced none this year. Leaves are all green and they look good, but no flowery growth this year. Our spring was too weird. Enjoy them while you can, Ann.

Lin said...

My hydrangea was frost-bitten too and is looking a bit sad--all those brown, curled leaves. :( Blech. But it is full of buds and I'm hoping they do okay in spite of the frost damage.

Stick your nose in that lilac for me, will ya? Oh, I love that scent!

Anonymous said...

Oh No! Ann, my lilacs did that same thing. that darn freak snow! My hibiscus lives inside during the summer. sucker is getting real big and I have to keep pruning it, but you should get another tropical hibiscus and just bring it in over the winter. Besides, its nice to get blooms in the winter!

Donna said...

I Love hibiscus but they can be fussy...Your lilac is beautiful! Wish I could grow one!

Helen said...

I didn't know this is called lilac. I learned something new today. In my area I have problems with squirrels and rabbits eating my flower beds.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful Lilacs, Ann... I love to smell them. We saw a beautful Lilac bush when we were at the Balsam Mtn. Inn. Smelled wonderful!!!!!

Sorry about your hibiscus. We lost our little Mtn. Laurel this year --for who knows what reason...


Donna said...

I adore the lilac scent! Oh, how I wish they would grow well around here. We've given them a try, but it's just too hot for them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your lilacs look wonderful to me, i have never seen or smelled them so nothing to compare to. yep must have been a tropical.

Out on the prairie said...

I always give a last water in October wwith shrubs.Love to smell them.

Sandee said...

I'm pretty good with indoor plants, but outside? Not so much. I wonder why that is.

Have a terrific day Ann. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

I forgot that I have lilacs too! They are up in the highest tier of our backyard behind a tree so I can't see it unless I go up there. I think I'll go sniff some lilac today! :)

Erika said...

You make your lilacs look beautiful. And maybe, just maybe, these will be enough to encourage me to go water some plants.

Rose Clearfield said...

Beautiful! Too bad about the hibiscus, though.

Whimcees said...


I love lilacs - their scent is wonderful and they are one of my favorite flowers! I have enjoyed your photos - especially the plate border! I am happy that you crack yourself up - you must smile a lot as you make me smile all the time! Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Catherine said...

I don't have a lilac bush but my neighbours do so I take a big sniff every time I walk by it! :)
xo Catherine

Marie said...

You have a lilac bush and I have a hibiscus bush. :) I bet your lilacs smell so good! Nice photos!

marie said...

My Lilac bush is about 12 feet high and the only blooms it got (all three of them) were 11 feet up in the air. I have not been a good pruner...so this year we're cutting it done to about 8 inches. According to an article I read that will help. No blooms for a year or two but I don't have any to speak of now.
Hopefully by next year it will be nice and bushy!

Reeni said...

Our lilacs flowered already and are gone! They're the same color as yours and my favorites.

Chatty Crone said...

Your lilacs look good to me - can you smell the lilacs as you go past them? Sandie

jeanlivingsimple said...

I would love to have a lilac bush. You are lucky to be able to grow them! Reckon there are perks to living in the Northeast...huh?:)

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