Friday, May 11, 2012


We all need a little distraction from daily frustrations some times. One of the best ways I know how to distract my mind from what is bothering me is to go out and snap some pictures.
On one of those days when someone (no, wasn't Wade) had me a little riled up I hit the front yard with the camera and snapped my stress away

A lone dandelion in the middle of the iris

water drop in the middle of the lupines. 

I liked it so much I took several but I'll only show you two

Sitting back watching the grass grow and contemplating getting out the mower.

Yep, works every time. By the time I finished snapping I was calm, cool and collected.


bichonpawz said...

I know exactly how you feel!! You must have one very special camera to take such great shots!!! Or, perhaps it is the talented photographer!!

Pat said...

Fabulous pics and a great way to de-stress!

Unknown said...

That water drop shot is incredible!

Duni said...

Wow, that water drop looks like a diamond! Really beautiful and yes, nature has a calming effect!

Catherine said...

Relaxing behind the camera is very good for the soul isn't it? Very fun photos Ann!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that water in the center is really cool. how can you consider cutting the grass and losing all those flowering weeds, i would be out there snapping away also. you already know i love weeds. snap away your stress, I like that one

Jeanette said...

Wish that worked for me! I'd be taking a million pictures lately! I love yours!

Marie said...

beautiful photos! don't cut the grass! :) I usually go outside and take a walk or go outside and sit and watch nature. :) I use to start cleaning the fun so I gave it up! LOL

Donna said...

Love that water drop!! Makes for a cool shot!
Calm down and have a great Mothers Day Girl!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Taking photo is sure a great distraction. Hope whatever it is you get rid of it soon ... Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Rose Clearfield said...

Sorry to hear about the frustration. :( Beautiful photos as always, though. I love the rich greens. I hope that the photo session was therapeutic.

Out on the prairie said...

real fun, the water drop loks like a jewel

BeadedTail said...

It helped destress me too! The water drop is so pretty! Hope you don't get riled up too often but we enjoy seeing the results. :)

allotments4you said...

I find getting out in the garden helps to calm me down....I don't know if it's the fresh air or the vigorous exercise...maybe it's just the sense of well being i get from being outside...doesn't really long as it works!

Joanne Olivieri said...

I know the feeling, Ann. The gardens are what keep me calm, peaceful and sane. Thank God I work there now :)Fantastic photos too.

Reeni said...

These are pretty! I usually eat when I'm stressed. This is a much better idea.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The water drop is a diamond of the finest cut!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I usually hide out and read for awhile, but maybe I'll have to try your method.

Debra Dickinson said...

I'm sad that something/someone riled you, but I'm glad we got to see the pictures that calmed you. That water drop looks like a beautiful, rare, uncut diamond!

Hootin Anni said...

I swear....I can see a portrait in the 2nd one down...the one of the water in the lupine. Of a young girl [she's about 2 years old]. Am I weird?!!!

Unknown said...

Lovely close-ups. Great water drops.
Best wishes,

Unknown said...

Look at the first water drop-photo again! It looks like Duke in there!

Lin said...

Very nice photos for an crabby gal! ;) I hope that feeling passes. I like to swim or cut the grass when I'm crabby. I need to physically work off the steam.

Anne said...

That's great that you have a way to easily calm down. I wish I had something like that.

Donna said...

Oh, I love that with the water droplet! It looks like a jewel!

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