Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Did I ever tell you how exhausting yard work can be?

Technically my mom was the one that was doing the yard work. I was out there in more of a supervisory position but somebody had do make sure she was safe.

Dad's riding mower is on the fritz until he can get a part for it and he hates using the push mower because it isn't what he calls self propelled. Any way, mom thought she was pretty tough and got the push mower out and started it up. Let me tell you she was doing an awful lot of huffing and puffing out there. She took a break and dad said don't worry he would finish it. Then he said something about it being too hard for mom and she shouldn't kill herself trying. Well the next thing I know mom
jumps back up with that "I'll show him" look on her face and she finished the mowing.  

I don't have real sleeves but I do have green furs. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, I hope you are not really sore in the morning!!! Maybe a few aspirins will be in order.

Duni said...

I leave the mowing to my hubby!

booahboo said...

I think your mom got tricked by your daddy to finish the job. *LOL*

bichonpawz said...

I give you alot of credit Ann....my husband is in charge of the mowing as I am allergic to grass and my asthma attacks require hospital visits which cost a whole lot more!!

We have the green fur problem here too!

Anne said...

Duke, I am sure your supervision was required. I bet it wouldn't have been done anywhere near as well without your help. Your mom needs to be careful. I hope she is feeling okay today.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hope your mommy was able to get to work this morning after that I will show you tantrum thing. looks to me like someone was laying in fresh cut green grass.

Dr Sonia S V said...

Ann you make fur look so wonderful!!! Feel like reaching out and patting Duke!!

Hootin Anni said...

Mowing too? Wow...your 'mom' is an ambitious one. Guess she showed him!!! Around here, our cats sit at the window to snoopervise our work...Bud mows and I edge. Edging wears ME out.

btw...you look mahvelous in green.

Donna said...

Duke, that supervising stuff is VERY exhausting! I hope you (and Mom & Dad) get some needed rest afterward!

Anonymous said...

Grass stained fur? Oh my... however will you get the stain out, Duke!

Out on the prairie said...

Hard on Duke when you are home all day,he misses his beauty sleep

Donna said...

Hahaaaa...poor Duke having to Watch!!
Good job Mom!

Rose Clearfield said...

Yard work IS tough work, but supervising is even tougher!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I leave the mowing to George. I'll do alot of work in the yard --but mowing is one thing I've never done. I'm sure I'd be huffing and puffing also....

Poor Duke--he has such a busy job being in CHARGE....

Marie said...

I can imagine watching all that work can be exhausting! Sounds like mom got a workout!

BeadedTail said...

We think your dad snookered your mom but good for her for doing it all! That'll show him! We hope you get all rested up from the snoopervising Duke!

Deborah said...

Oh waht a sweet companion you must be to mommy & daddy!
And I love that green fur!

Deborah xoxo

Unknown said...

Wade is a GENIUS!

Reena said...

Grass stain! Better talk to your mom on how to get that out! And big kudos to your mom for taking on the big task!

Chatty Crone said...

Hey you do look a little green - what did you do - did you help your mom? sandie

Reeni said...

Heehee. . . I am the same way! When someone says something like that it only makes me more determined!

Catherine said...

Oh oh... grass stains. Never fun to get out.

Looks like someone will be having a bath! LOL!

xo Catherine

Whimcees said...


Love this guy! Wishing you a great weekend with less hard work! :<)


Barbara Diane

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