Thursday, May 17, 2012

techy gadgets

Are not friendly to people with less than perfect eye sight.

Wade's phone was giving him problems and since our contract was up and we were eligible for an upgrade he decided to order us new phones. We never get the latest and greatest model out there, we just go with whatever is free at the time.

We ended up with the Droid Pro. For as much as I use a phone this has way more than I need and way more than I will probably every figure out how to use.
The worst part was that when we got the new car it came with Sync (or whatever it's called) that allows you to make hands free calls. When we were at the dealer they set my phone up in the car and I was good to go. When we got the new phones I figured no problem, I can do this. I pulled out the book and read the directions, easy peasy. NOPE. couldn't get it figured out. We went back to the dealer and begged for help. The girl took me out to the car and got the new phone all set up and we were on the road again. As we're driving along Wade decided to call me and test it. Guess what? Yep, didn't work. When I tried to answer through the car it just made my phone ring. We turned around and went back to the dealer. Boy do I feel like a real idiot. Turns out my phone needed me to give my car permission to access my phone book before it would work.
I think maybe I want my old rotary style phone back


Ginny Hartzler said...

I know just what you mean! The phones seem harder for me to learn than computers! I chose the wrong cell phone for myself, didn't know how cheap it was, I just thought it was PRETTY! Now I have to wait nearly two years till my contract is up!!! I went and begged...they weren't budging!

marie said...

New technology is not my friend...I recently had to replace my old flip up phone. I let my family talk me into some a little fancier...I am defeated by it every day. It's not even a "smart phone"...I sure miss my old phone.

booahboo said...

some gadgets just give you more white hair.. hahhahahaha.. i don't sync my stuffs... cos i never know how that works :) i am just happy with the phone book

Pat said...

Marvellous what they can do now isn't it? I know a few who have sync with their cars and phone. They love it.
Are you happy with it now?

john bain said...

When I fail to understand technology and ask for help I get a 'this is so simple a child could do it' lecture.

crafty cat corner said...

I know how you feel.
We have all been kind of pushed into all of this technology without really wanting it.
Sometimes I think I'll just ditch all the computers and go back to the time when things were much simpler but sadly its not practical so we'll just have to continue to have steam coming out of our ears. lol

Unknown said...

Your new phone needing a formal invitation seems awfully pretentious. That may just be me, though.

Jen said...

There is something utterly bizarre about a car needing permission to access a person's cell phone (or is it just me? ;o)

Ann said...

I still find it kind of amazing we carry phones around with us in the first place. Glad you're synched up now - too complicated for me too!

Anonymous said...

I love all the things smart phones can do, and 25 years ago I would have loved one but now? Don't need it - I had the phone company disable text messaging on our phones - if you have a phone in your hand you can just call me...My husband and I have the simplest phones available with the least add-ons. Basically our phones just make and receive calls - amazing but true.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Heaven help us ~ my little grandchildren understand these gadgets better than I.

Lin said...

I get it--I have the same problems. The scary thing is that I can figure this stuff out faster than Joe, which means we are REALLY in trouble. :P I don't use the hands-free all that much, but when we do, it is handy. You need a teenager in your house to set up all this stuff for you. I can rent you one for a weekend--you just have to pay him in food.

Duni said...

sounds like a complicated gadget to me! I don't care for all the apps out there, my phone is plain and simple :)

p.s. the rose box in the photo from your previous post is something I would definitely buy :)

Catherine said...

Haha ~ it really is hard to keep up with all the latest and greatest new gadgets isn't it? But oh I love them all! LOL!

Good luck with your phones!
xo Catherine

Marie said...

I do know what you mean! My hubby and son are pretty good with it all. Hubby reads the instructions and my son doesn't even need that! I don't use all the gadgets on my phone. I do love my touch screen keyboard now. At first I didn't like it one bit! I do wish I had a new car with a lot of gadgets! That's the kind of stuff I like. :)

Anne said...

Welcome to the 21st century! I love my Droid. You will find you use it more and more as you get used to it. At this point, I can't imagine being without it.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I was a hold out for a long time after Wilson got his iphone but I was forced to make the switch and now I LOVE the iphone - I take photo's - do short video's - check e-mails and text message as well as having it 'synced' to my car - you WILL love it in time - so play and have fun with all the features -


BeadedTail said...

I thought it was bad when I had trouble figuring out even my new iPod Touch but now even cars are more complicated! I feel like one of those old fuddy duddys I used to make fun of as a kid!

Out on the prairie said...

I rarely use mine anymore, I went back to a land line

Rose Clearfield said...

It is crazy how complicated cars are anymore. I love my smartphone and do have good eyesight, but I still feel overwhelmed by all of the phone options sometimes. I agree that I will never ever use nearly all of them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i read all 20 comments and it seems i am the only one in the universe that has no cell phone. have no clue what all 20 of you are talking about other than what i see and here on TV.

allotments4you said...

I am not a total techno phobe...but I don't do anything on my mobile apart from answer and make calls and send the odd text!!

Reeni said...

That is pretty fancy! And neat. It was nice of them to help you out. I still have a flip phone.

Marg said...

I don't have a clue how to work my cell phone at all. The computer, I just barely get by to do what I have to do. Too darn techy for me. So I understand completely. Have a great evening.

Chatty Crone said...

Do we even run our own lives anymore? lol sandie

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HA----I hear you!!!!! As 'techy' as we are in most areas --including computers, iPods, iPads, laptops, etc...--we have still not switched to an iPhone (or any Smart Phone).

Mine will text and make calls.. That's all that I use. I have an eye problem also--and can't see everything else that the phone does. SO-- I will keep this old one until it totally dies. Once it dies, then we will go through what you have gone through... I dread it.


Hootin Anni said...

sounds like my dear Bud...he hates the fast pace of technology these days, he can't keep up with it all.

Neat new phone tho.

Helen said...

I think you are pretty up to date with the new tech. I still have my 6 plus year cell phone. I'm saving money for Papers and threads. :)

Debra Dickinson said...

Hello Hal. I'm just sayin'. ;)

Debra Dickinson said...

"Hello Hal." I'm just sayin'. :)

My new phone has a feature called Siri - she talks to me when I leave voice commands, etc. I actually find myself saying "thank you" - as though she could hear me!

The other day I asked her to set the timer (while walking Nonni & Bentley). The wind was blowing and I have no idea what she "thought" she heard but she replied (and I kid you not), "I'm not sure. I haven't really thought about it."

Freaked me out. LOL. I turned the phone off.

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