Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gardening tips

I'm sure that I have confessed on more than one occasion the fact that I do NOT have a green thumb. Just because I kill every plant I ever touch doesn't mean that I don't have a few handy tips to pass along to anyone interested in gardening.
Now mind you, these are pretty basic tips so you may already be aware of them but it never hurts to have a reminder now and then.
First off I suggest that you always keep your garden tools in good working order. Proper care and maintenance can save you time and money.

Consider irrigation. You'll want your plants to have plenty of water but be careful that they are not getting too much.

Decorative borders not only define your gardens edge but increase curb appeal. 

Last but not least don't forget to fertilize. In other words spread a load of bull crap just like I did in this post. Oh I crack myself up.


Pat said...

You crack me up too :)
Thanks for the Sunday morning giggle ! xx

Duni said...

What a neat idea to use those lovely plates as borders!
I don't have a green thumb either ;-)

bichonpawz said...

bwahahahaha! You crack me up too Ann! Interesting idea with the plates!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are cracking me up toooooo. I love the wash tubs and the old chair behind the plate border. that is wayyyy to much water for plants but they look like they are loving that water fall. plates? really? they would last a few seconds in our yard, what with dogs and there funny ways.

Anonymous said...

The deer ate my hydrangea bush so I'm thinking why even bother to plant anything... gosh they make me mad!

Out on the prairie said...

Classy shots, I like the plate border. I have never seen anything like that.

Hootin Anni said... even cracked me up. What a hoot!!!!

ps...loved the little 'covered bridge' walkway in the park from your post yesterday. I can see why you like to photograph it.

SHADOWS AND SUMMARIES is a link to my newest post for the day! Hope you can find time to view...and, have a super glorious Sunday!!!

Unknown said...

It has been brought to Arlynda's attention that our kitties are better at killing plants than she is. Be assured that she is most grateful.

Donna said...

Great advice and I Love those plates!!
Hahaaaa...I wish I could think of stuff like this...I need to get more inventive. I've been such a Bad Blogger lately!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

You might not do too well in the garden but you do grow beautiful photos!

Donna said...

I'm sure that Duke is rolling his eyes right now, going "Aw, Mom!" LOL! Hey, the dish border sure is cute!

Sandee said...

Bwahahahahaha. You are spreading that BC pretty good too.

I'm not all that impress with the dinner plate border. Just saying.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Joanne Olivieri said...

You are hilarious, thanks for the early morning laugh :) Great shots.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are so funny, Ann... Made me laugh outloud when reading that last sentence.... Thanks for the Sunday LAUGH---and I'll remember your tips!!!! NOW---get out in that yard and plant!!!!!! ha

Happy Sunday.

Rose Clearfield said...

Gardening is really not my thing either, but I did get a laugh out of your post.

BeadedTail said...

I giggled too! I was afraid Duke was going to be a part of the fertilizer so am glad to find out it was just bull crap! LOL

BeadedTail said...

I'm not sure that sounded right - I thought Duke was going to do the fertilizing. Is that better? :)

Marie said...

Ann you are hilarious! You've got me with tears here! Love your bull crap! LOL!

Chatty Crone said...

You are crazy too girl!
I will join you with the black thumb theme. I kill most everything. My neighbor has me watching her bushes and plants for two weeks! I'm scared. And the dishes as a border - very unusual. Very pretty. Love, sandie

Anonymous said...

Haha, yeah, I don't get gardening either. I'm pretty sure I've got two black thumbs as well.

booahboo said...

urmm... why are your pretty plates out in the garden Ann.. hehehehehehe.. Hope you are having a good one.

Anne said...

You crack me up too. Especially since I too have a black thumb.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You crack ME up, too!!! Who needs a green thumb when you could work as a stand up comic? Making people laugh is a gift!!

Reeni said...

My Mom has been wanting to make a brick border for her flowers - I think I like the plates better! I don't have a green thumb either! I'm giving up on my garden this year.

marie said...

You're a funny one Ann!

Love the first photo...and the plates for edging are pretty nice!

allotments4you said...

Great pictures Ann...I especially love the plates used a a borders edge....Where on earth did you find that?!?!

Sharkbytes said...

Cute edging, but around my place one should use plastic plates!

Helen said...

are those plates were there for real?

Catherine said...

You are too funny. That plate border is pretty cool!
xo Catherine

Debra Dickinson said...

This cracked me up. Too funny! I love the plate borders but I had two strange thoughts - aren't those expensive? I shrugged. "Who cares?!?" I said out loud, "It's pretty." Then I had another strange thought... is that a broken back of a chair behind the plates? Again, I had to ask (and no one else was in the room), "Who cares?!? It's pretty!" Maybe I really am cracking up. ;)

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