Sunday, June 17, 2012


Driving around here isn't so bad. I live in a more rural area and traffic isn't an issue. It's nice to take in the scenery while I'm driving and sometimes I can just stop the car and snap some pictures.

Oh and remember yesterday I said traffic wasn't an issue? Well it isn't unless you get stuck behind one of these guys.

Now you are going so slow that it's possible to take a picture while you're driving. Of course I'm not admitting to anything here I'm just showing you a picture.


Ginny Hartzler said...

We have these, too. Aren't they just loads of fun when you're trying to get somewhere in a hurry? Like the emergency room or a meeting you are already late for. And do you know, that is the only time they are ever on the road!

Pat said...

What a beautiful area you live in! xx

Duni said...

We live out in the countryside and the roads look similar to yours! Only yesterday we had one of those infront of us ;-)

allotments4you said...

I live surrounded by farmland so I know that slow to almost stop feeling that comes with the last photo...but then again I don't mind as life these days rarely lets you sit back and enjoy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if required I can swear on a stack of Bibles you were STANDING on the road taking that photo. i am surprised at the road, i was thinking you lived in mountains, this could be taken here or in GA.

john bain said...

What you should have done was overtake by mounting the grass verge and then you could have pointed your camera over your shoulder and taken a quick snap of the front of the tractor. I like tractors, but now I shall never know what make this one was. Unless you did photograph it? Did you? I won't tell. Honest!
Why are there yellow no parking lines in the middle of the road? Who is going to park there?
Why is he driving on the wrong side of the road?

Anonymous said...

I like that second photo...Getting out of Dodge!

Chatty Crone said...

It is a lot easier to take pictures from a car when you are driving slow!

I have to say that second photo was just beautiful!


Donna said...

Aw, go ahead and admit it. Duke too the pictures, not you!

Donna said...

I meant to say "took" instead of "too" in my above comment. My brain and fingers are not connected well this morning.

Anonymous said...

That's how it is here, except we have much steeper hills (well, mountains!). Actually the other day we were driving to the next town over to do a bit of laundry and shopping and we ended up having to go a backway because a tractor trailer ended up breaking down and blocking the entire road!

Catherine said...

Give me rural driving over big city driving any day!
Happy Sunday Ann!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes... Rural roads. I remember them well and how they slowed me down when I was a teenager longing to go 80mph. Great shot, even if you aren't admitting anything today. LOL

Daisy said...

It looks pretty where you live! All the roads where I live have lots of traffic.

tahtimbo said...

That would be a nice and relaxing drive!
Unfortunately, I would have to drive through about 30 minutes of city traffic to get to a road like that, which would kinda defeat the whole relaxing idea :)

Marie said...

very lovely country side! it reminds me of NC. have a fun Sunday!

Debra Dickinson said...

Made me miss living in the country. Taking a pic while behind one of these guys might not be so bad, posting it on your blog is another story. LOL.

Rose Clearfield said...

When we lived outside of Iowa City, I drove on roads like that every day to get to work. I don't miss it, but it is very pretty this time of year! Of course I never took any pictures while driving either... :)

BeadedTail said...

We have those farm vehicles on the road too but usually there's more traffic. It looks like you had a very pretty drive though!

Lin said...

Don't complain about that tractor--Colin and I sat in one place for 20 minutes the other day on our ride home due to road construction. It's either winter or road construction in Chicago--both guarantee a hellish ride. I'm envious of your open roads!!

Sandee said...

I would much rather live in a rural area than in the big city. I don't care for the big cities at all.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

marg said...

That is the only problem with living in a rural area.Those slow moving tractors. Hope he let you by soon. Have a great evening.

Erika said...

You remind me that I need to keep my camera with me at all times.
Especially the previous post on what was being sold.

I am glad you explained that one because it was gross trying to figure it out.

Carolelizabethmarshall said...

Your weather looks much improved now Ann. We are still having heavy downpours - at the moment it is not like June at all and the world, at least around where we live is fastly becoming a jungle! Lol!
It is lovely to see so many nice photographs around where you live - it is very pretty.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We love riding on rural roads... Even getting behind slow tractors and other farm equipment is better than rushing on the interstates!!!

Anne said...

We don't have tractors but we do get stuck behind slow drivers. It can double the time to get anywhere around here.

Trica Jus said...

gan to share words of motivation
Smile, leave sedihmu. Bahagialah, forget takutmu. Who you feel sick, no equivalent would you be happy.
Tears do not always show sadness, sometimes because we laughed happily with our best friend.
may be useful and thank ya: D

Sharkbytes said...

The best kind of roads. Glad you have some.

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