Saturday, June 30, 2012

Shadow shots

Just hanging out in the backyard with the camera. Nothing in particular I want to take a picture of. Then I saw the tree. I liked the way the shadow looked very long.

 It got me to thinking, I've always wanted to be a long legged beauty and here was my opportunity.

One more, shooting from the hip.


bichonpawz said...

I especially love the photo editing tools that allow me to automatically shrink myself!! bwahahahaha!!

Love your shadow shots Ann!!

Hootin Anni said...

If only my 'long legged' shadow from the lens would trim my thighs....

This is your back yard?!!! Wow, I can think of one thing....mowing all that. And that would mean a 4 letter word...

Neat images Ann. Oh and by the way, your comment you left me just a few minutes ago, made me laugh. Just a glance at my husband early in the morning is a laughable matter. Heck, all day long.

Out on the prairie said...

I have played with this myself,its fun to be a giant.

Donna said...

You 'ol Hip-shooter you!!Hahaaaa
Love these!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

long legs AND bell bottom jeans... nothing better. love the shadow shot of the tree. i took a few like this last week at the park, you will see them sometime after the 4th.

Donna said...

That is the only way I can look tall! Fun shadow shots!

Sandee said...

I knew you were very thin, but I had no idea you were so tall. Way cool.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Duni said...

Love it! Reminds me of those people on stilts that you see at fairs ;-)

Chatty Crone said...

You are a hip friend! With long legs. sandie

allotments4you said...

Long legs??? You kind of look like you added stilts!!

I have never been unhappy with my short legs....although I still haven't found a passion for taking up trousers!

tahtimbo said...

Those were awesome shots!! In the last one, you look like a gunfighter from the old west :)

Anonymous said...

Cool Beans - Great shots...

Rose Clearfield said...

That tree is beautiful. So much green! The shadow shots are great. That's the only way that some of us will ever get to be tall.

jeanlivingsimple said...

You look tall and lean. I am jealous!
Love the tree with the bird feeder too.:)

BeadedTail said...

Hee hee, you're funny! I don't know how you took that last photo without looking at the shot but it made me giggle. If I was that tall maybe I'd finally be thin!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Such cool shadow shots. You look very commanding standing so tall with your hands on your hips :)

Sharkbytes said...

Have to love those long skinny shadows! The tree is nice too.

Reeni said...

So that's the secret to long legs! Cute!

Marie said...

You are on a roll Ann! This is another funny post! Love the way you think! Fantastic photos!

Deborah said...

Hahahh so cute! You do have long legs! Love these shots and the tree one is great!

Deborah :)

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