Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hotter than Hadies

It's been very hot here the last few days. We've reached the 90's.  Why is it that when it gets that hot dogs always want to lay right next to you. Nothing worse than having a fur coat laying on you when you're already sweating your butt off.
Of course it's not quite so bad if it's a pool lounge you're sharing.
By the way, this is NOT a picture of Wade in the pool. This is a picture of Duke in the pool. I wouldn't put a picture of Wade on here because I know how much he hates to have his picture taken.


booahboo said...

Nice picture of Wade.. hehehhehe.. Duke's not all too bad either :) We could use a pool here!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden LAUGHS! First thing when we saw the photo, Oh that's Wade n DUKE. Hope Wade applied lots of sunscreen. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

Unknown said...

That looks nice and cosy. Wish we could have some nice and sunny weather here in Ireland also soon. It's very dark today, and the rain is pouring down. So I enjoyed very much to see this sunny pic today. Have a lovely day!


Duni said...

Hopefully we will have nice sunny weather soon too!
Nice of Duke to share his pool lounge with Wade ;-)

john bain said...

It does look like Wade!

Anne said...

Poor Duke, the heat must be very hot for him with all that fabulous fur. At least he is enjoying the pool.

Out on the prairie said...

Duke has a classy raft

Donna said...

Yes, yes, I can clearly see that Duke is the subject of the photo. The rest of the items in the photo are merely props. LOL!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Whoever that handsome man is in your pool with Duke (ha ha), he does have a great tan...... Of course that is not Wade... It's your boyfriend, isn't it?????? ha

Marie said...

This is a great pic! Duke is so cute all wet! I only see a pic of Duke, I don't see Wade. LOL It's really hot there! I had no idea it got that hot there in June! Glad to see everyone knows how to keep cool. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww! The only time we could get Buddy in the pool was when he accidentally fell in. Kira flat out refuses.

Donna said...

Hahahaaa....Love the shot of...ahem...Duke....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what picture of wade? all I see is a darn cute dog... an adorable dog, a sweet dog... it seems to me like your photos are sharper and clearer and getting better and better. are you holding out on new things you have learned? great shot.

Sandee said...

Nice picture of Duke standing on Wade in the pool. The coolest place to be, for Duke that is.

Have a terrific day. My best to our water dog Duke. :)

Rose Clearfield said...

Wet dog when you're already wet from the pool...ew! Good thing animals are so cute, right? We won't tell Wade either.

BeadedTail said...

Duke is so cute standing on his raft that looks a lot like his dad but of course it's not his dad since he couldn't be a raft!

Hootin Anni said... that we've established this is not Wade and it IS indeed Duke....I must say, I don't think it could get hot enough to sweat my butt off. It's too big. But on the other hand, it has been cold enough to freeze me tits off.

Lin said...

Where's Wade??? I didn't see him in that photo. ;)

It's hotter than Hadies here too. :(Can i come over for a swim?

tahtimbo said...

Now that's the way to keep cool! I really need to get our yard cleaned-up so I can put our pool up. It's 95 here today.
It looks like Duke is using Wade as a springboard to dive in the water :)

Chatty Crone said...

Duke's friend has a great tan already! sandie

Reeni said...

Duke looks like he's captaining a ship! So cute!

Anonymous said...

We were extremely hot and humid yesterday... hoping for a bit cooler today, but I don't have a pool. Waaaah.

marie said...

Nice picture of Duke...what's that he's floating on?

Catherine said...

Thank you for putting a smile on my face sweet Duke!
xo Catherine

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