Monday, June 18, 2012

what a blur

Wade used to work with a guy who every Monday morning would ask "Was there a weekend in that blur?" Every Monday evening Wade would tell me Dave had to start the day with "Was there a blur in that weekend?" Dave made an excellent point although I admit hearing it every single Monday morning could get a bit annoying.
My weekend did feel like a big blur. I didn't forget about yesterday being father's day but when I was scheduling my posts I did forget to write about it. Duke however didn't forget to get Wade a really cool gift.
Actually Duke stayed home and sent me out to pick something up since I was out running errands any way. One of my stops was Hobby Lobby and I found so much cool stuff that was perfect for the man cave. This is what Wade got from Duke.
A set of coasters in a deer antler stand and the outlet cover. These were both 50% off too. I wish I would have bought more of the outlet covers and a couple of the switch plate covers though. Then he could have had these in the whole room.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Extremely manly!! And yet decorative...

Duni said...

Those fit perfectly in your hubby's mancave. I've never seen outlet covers here before, but I wish I had some!

Marie said...

Perfect mancave gift! Hobby Lobby is a really neat store. They have a little of everything.
Hope your work day is a blur! LOL

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Ann - I would have no trouble going back to Hobby Lobby and searching for more of those 'man cave' items! I love that store and it's a danger to my credit card!!!

Also - in your previous post about being 'stuck' behind something going ever so slow and you can't pass - we live in an area similar - makes me want to scream when I get behind farm equipment - esp. now when they are harvesting the wheat.

So on that note .. I'll leave you with ... the verse by John Denver ... Take me home ... country road ... to a place ...

Have a great week and thanks so much for all your comments and kind words on westiejulep.
and on Facebook

Lin said...

I like the saying, but EVERY Monday??? yikes.

I've been trying to work shorter weeks this summer to cram in all the good stuff. Problem is, the paycheck is smaller though. :( Can't win. Ugh.

Donna said...

Hey, you did a great job picking out Duke's gifts to Wade!

Anonymous said...

I had to really think about this weekend and what happened. Weekends to tend to go by quickly-even though S.D. works.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

before i read the last part of your comments, i studied the photo and thought why would they put those round things on top of one of the antlers. OHHHH I said as i read, Coasters. Cool! and they do fit his man cave perfectly. Jake and baby do not give presents for fathers day or any of day, hope duke is not listening. it might ruin it for next time.

Anne said...

You can get additional outlet covers for his birthday. Especially if they are still 50% off. Duke is so thoughtful. He would never forget Father's Day.

Whimcees said...


Perfect gift for the man cave - I am sure that he loved them! That Duke is a very smart guy having you do all the work and he take all the credit! :<) Wishing you a happy Monday!


Barbara Diane

Sandee said...

Duke did very well with his gifts. Very well indeed. Nothing like a man cave. You just have to make sure that the lock is on the outside of the door so you can lock him down there when needed. Bwahahahahahaha.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

Cool items for the ManCave Ann!

allotments4you said...

A very cool and unique gift which is going to go great in Wades 'Cave'.

It was Fathers day in the UK yesterday too!!

BeadedTail said...

My vacations are blurs too. Duke did a good job with his gifts for his dad! The mancave is coming together nicely!

Rose Clearfield said...

Those are perfect man cave gifts. I agree that weekends always are a blur, although hearing that every Monday would get tiresome.

Reeni said...

Those are neat! I bet they'll look great in the man cave!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - that was just PERFECT! Sandie

Catherine said...

Fit for a mancave to be sure! :)
xo Catherine

Helen said...

that is really cool! i like the outlet plate.

Debra Dickinson said...

That is a perfect gift! Way to go Duke! Uh, Ann, the car works in reverse if you need to go back to Hobby Lobby and pick up some more. I'm just sayin'. ;)

Sharkbytes said...

Love that outlet cover!

marie said...

The deer coasters are great...Hobby Lobby has such a great assortment of "manly gifts".

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