Thursday, June 14, 2012

You might be a redneck

You might be a redneck if you drink wine from a mason jar.

You might be an even bigger redneck if you make your own wine glasses and they look like these

I had seen "redneck wine glasses a while back when I was in a little shop. I thought they were really cool but knew I could make them a whole lot cheaper than $10.00 each.
I bought a case of mason jars for $7.90 (case of 12) and the glass candle sticks from the dollar store for $1.00 each. Then I just glued the two together with E-6000.  Now all I need is a bottle of wine


Debra Dickinson said...

I have not laughed so hard in a very, very long time. Thank you! OMG! ROFLOL spitting out my nose! These will be a must have for Christmas gifts. And no, I am not kidding. Still ROFLOL. :)

Unknown said...

Cool wine glasses :-)

john bain said...

I love 'em! What is a redneck? Is a redneck a country person? Am I a redneck? I have drank from a jam jar.

Jen said...

That is hilarious! Of course if you're going to do it in true Redneck style, then I say nix on the wine - go get you some 'shine. *giggle*

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have had tea from a mason jar many times, and am proud to say i am a redneck. these are glasses for what my mother would say. use these "for good" she saved the good stuff for good times. love them and the photo is beautiful to. we use plastic here so this is one challenge i will not be meeting with you.

Connie Girl said...

Love it! We saw these in a store down here in Texas and my Mom had a fit over them. Guess I have to make her some now. Yep we're rednecks!

Donna said...

How inventive! You could always fill them up with ice tea!

allotments4you said...

These are great Ann...i never would have guessed you had made them. What glue did you use??

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, LOVE them... You did great --even though you 'ain't' no REDNECK--like me!!!!! ha ha


Helen said...

First time seeing a glass wine like that. I'm like you if something I can make at a cheaper price I will do it.

Sandee said...

May I come over and have some wine with you? I'll bring the wine. What's your favorite wine?

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Out on the prairie said...

lovely creation,they would spiff up my batch pad.

Anne said...

Those are awesome! What a great job. Now you definitely need the wine.

Anonymous said...

See now that's what I mean about being crafty and clever and imaginative...If I had admired such an item (and truth to tell I don't) it would never occur to me to replicate it, or indeed, even have a clue as HOW to replicate it. Now I have to Google E-6000

Marie said...

I own a mason jar or two, but only drink iced tea from them. :) I've never seen wine glasses like those before! Happy Thursday Ann!

Donna said...

Hahahahaaa....only you...

PS- I see coke floats!!

Rose Clearfield said...

I love it!! That would be an awesome addition to a country/shabby chic style wedding.

tahtimbo said...

Excellent!!! I'll be making some :)
Thanks for telling us how to do it!

Sheryl Hastings said...

Those are awesome! I need to make some. We went to a local restaurant last week and they served their soft drinks in mason jars and Brian thought it was the coolest thing!

Sally said...

Love these! And, how cool that you made them. I'm gonna do it!! :)

Reeni said...

Those are so funny!!

Chatty Crone said...

You do have some talent there girlfriend. Love, sandie

Catherine said...

Those are cute! Of course, you could always drink straight from the bottle! ;)
xo Catherine

jp@A Green Ridge said...


marie said...

I have a bottle of bad we can't get together. I love these "wine glasses" Ann...having a lid is a great idea!

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