Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stinky rose bush revisited

Since so many of you wondered about my rose bush that I don't like I decided to do another post about it. Now I referred to it as a wild rose and I can't say for certain that it is but it does grow in kind of a wild way.
Here it is in it's ugly stinky entirety. For those of you who are missing Duke, look in the window.

roses fully opened and the petals will all fall off very quickly

For anyone who still thinks this is pretty come on over and dig it up and it's all yours.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are knockout roses! I just did a post on them, they come in all colors. They look charming and match your shutters. It would look drab and bare there without them. LOVE Duke looking through the window!

Pat said...

How can we help it if we love it? You photograph it so nicely! xx

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Just Golden Happy to see DUKE. Golden Hello! Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar

john bain said...

I'll get my spade.

Hootin Anni said...

I think it's very pretty...but I don't like stinky. On the other hand, I'll take what's in the window. "How much is that doggie in the window".....

Duni said...

Oh, we have a lot of those rose bushes growing here. It might be that yours is in the wrong spot?
Duke looks so adorable in the window :)

DebbieM said...

They are beautiful roses. I love roses, carried Matador Red roses when we got married, they were absolutely gorgeous. I just planted one of those little ones by the shed, I hope it grows! My Mom used to take one of the flowers cut it off at the stem, plant it and put a glass mayonnaise jar over top, it would make condensation in the sun and would be protected at night, she started all her rosebushes that way and she have many, many of them. I don't have a green thumb like she did though, so I will try one at a time.

Marg said...

Hi there Duke in the window. Most of my rose bushes look like that. I think that might be what they do when they get older. Those are pretty roses. Rose bushes are hard to get to do right. Have a great day.

Helen said...

The roses are not bad looking. I don't know why it stink though!

Anonymous said...

We had climbers that looked like that - I don't remember them having much of a scent at all...but they were pretty.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could come and dig it up! I could put it in the spot where I had this ugly ground creeper rose bush. Tried so hard to get it to climb but it would only root itself in the ground. Kinda stupid idea, really...cant walk in the rose garden cuz you will step on thorns!!!

Sandee said...

I'd love to come over for a visit, but not for the rose bush. I'm just not a rose fan. At. All. Duke is cute and I noticed him right away.

Have a terrific day. My best to that cutie pie Duke. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i googled roses that stink and it says that sometimes when a rose bush is really old, they start to stink. but it is pretty and I agree it looks great in front of your house and that Duke looks wonderful on the back of the sofa or chair. either that or heis levitating in that window.

Out on the prairie said...

I wonder if this was coming from the rootstock used to grow a nicer rose at one time that died back.

Ann Martin said...

The color of the blooms is pretty at least. Maybe it's a rambling rose or wild rose? Someone once said "Life is too short for ugly plants." (I don't remember who) so if it really bugs you, I'm with those who said to dig it up and put something you like better in its place.

tahtimbo said...

I'm not a rose expert, but it looks like some kind of vine. That it needs to creep along a trellis or something.
Where are the gophers when you need them :)
My wife would love to have it, but it would never survive the cross-country journey...although I know you wouldn't be heartbroken if it died along the way :)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

The color is really pretty.We had a rose almost exactly like that in our backyard in California.It loved growing all across the fence so I agree that it might like a trellis. Your dog is adorable. We had a Westie and they are such loving breeds.

Erika said...

These look like one of the bushes in my backyard. I actually like how the petals carpet the ground underneath. It is so much prettier than dead grass or weeds.

Rose Clearfield said...

How sad! The roses are pretty.

BeadedTail said...

I've seen those before but I haven't smelled them before. They're pretty but Duke steals the show! :)

Whimcees said...


That looks like an old strain of rose bush - you might want to check it out before you dig it up and give away! :<) The roses are a very pretty color, I would take it but have nowhere to plant it - but I have room for that cute guy in the window! Wishing you a happy one!


Barbara Diane

Reeni said...

They are crazy wild! We don't have any that grow like that! I love that Duke's in the window. Great shot.

Anonymous said...

I still like them,I cant believe I never knew you thought they were stinky!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

My sister is the rose so much...they pinch!...:)JP

Donna said...

I tend to agree with you. They aren't the prettiest of blooms and the plant is gangly.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I think they are pretty - maybe not the prettiest in the world - but beautiful none the less. Sandie (In my humble opinion.)

Joanne Olivieri said...

I'm hopping a plane right now :) To me, they're gorgeous. Of course Duke is in the window so who could resist :)

Debra Dickinson said...

Duke makes anything look good! :) But seriously, I love this rose bush. It's history, everything about it. It's beautiful and it just makes that corner. If I were nearby I'd be all over that offer. ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, That is not a Knock Out... Since it's an older rose bush, it looks like a climbing rose bush...If you put a trellis behind it, those roses would climb up!!! They are pretty when they are on an arbor....


Marie said...

I looked at these the other day and had to run and forgot to comment! LOL!!! I'm running behind, you probably already realize this.:) Ann, I LOVE these roses and if I lived closer I would be digging this bush up and bringing it home. They're so pretty! The color is just gorgeous!

Katy said...

How cute! Duke is in the window :)

Sharkbytes said...

I like the color better than my stinky rose!

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