Tuesday, April 17, 2018


My appointment with the ENT yesterday was on the second floor of Shriners Hospital for children. I thought that was a sign that I was being a big baby about the whole thing and they were going to tell me to "suck it up buttercup".

I meant to take more pictures while I was there but ended up only taking this one while I was waiting in the exam room.

Before seeing the doctor they actually whisked me off for a hearing test as well. I was told that yes, I could definitely benefit from hearing aids. This is the same diagnosis I have gotten from just about anyone who has spent much time around me.  Unfortunately, hearing aids are not in the budget. The woman who did the test gave me some information about an online application I can fill out that could help. We'll see how that goes.

Anyway, they determined that yes, they will do allergy testing. In the meantime, he gave me a prescription for a nasal spray as well as an over the counter one to use. They sent me off with papers and instructions and gave me a code for the insurance to find out if they cover allergy testing. If not, they charge $10 per injection. So I call the insurance, give them the code and she says "yes, but...". Apparently, the testing is covered if certain criteria are met. Sounds to me like another way for them to get out of paying for something that a doctor feels you need. Now I need to get my appointment scheduled and get the paper from the insurance company that explains what is necessary for the testing to be covered.


Linda d said...

It’s infuriating that hearing aids can cost as much as a used car. Where is the logic in that? It makes the loss or breaking of one heartbreaking. Also, when we need them most is when most of us can least afford them. To make matters worse, most insurances do not cover them in any way shape or form. I’ve been wearing them since 30 and am on my second pair. I could have bought a new car for that price as my loss is atypical and requires a specialized product. All around it sucks not to be able to afford something that is so imperative to communication.

Hootin Anni said...

Just like hurricane (wind & flood damage)...you pay the premium faithfully for years...find out there is a 'loop hole in the policy favoring the insurance company!! Sucks, big time. Good luck.

Hootin Anni said...

Just like hurricane (wind & flood damage)...you pay the premium faithfully for years...find out there is a 'loop hole in the policy favoring the insurance company!! Sucks, big time. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I do hope that everything works out between dr. and ins. for your treatment to be covered. In the meantime, I hope the spray gives you some relief. John needs hearing aids too, but the prices are ridiculous, and just not in our budget.

Sharkbytes said...

Good luck- I hope something shows up that they will treat and not just a long procession of "we can't find anything wrong."

Marg said...

Wow, that is too bad that the hearing aids are so expensive. In fact it stinks that insurance doesn't cover it. Hope you can figure something out. Have a great day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will spare you the long rant that pops out of my mouth at the mention of insurance and what it covers and doesn't cover. i am hoping yours will cover the allergy test. i did not have insurance back 30 years ago when i had a test. and don't know if my medicare HMO would.. hope yours does. that is a lot of money since they do lots and lots of injections

Grace said...

Getting health care sorted out is a full time job - Notice YOU had to call the insurance company to verify coverage, and YOU have to get the coverage specifications to bring to the doctor. I've had to explain to my health care person the side effects of a drug she wanted to prescribe; research a specialist she wanted me to see and then ask that she write me a referral to a different doctor, more qualified and geographically closer - I mean it goes on and on doesn't it?

Lin said...

Ugh. How frustrating. I hope the spray gives you some relief in the meantime.

Sandee said...

Insurance is a mine field of disappointment most of the time. Mine dental pays so little and I have to pay so much. That new crown that I'm getting today costs a small fortune.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

Insurance companies always have a hoop-hole, don't they. If I had all the money that we have paid into insurance companies through the years, we would be living on a hundred area farm with a swimming pond and horses, LOL.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, I hope it all works out for you. I am so sick of insurance issues. I just got a call this morning as I was getting ready to see my cardiologist. They had to cancel my appointment because they are no longer in the medical group we are in. Luckily it was just a follow up appointment and nothing urgent!! Praying you find your answers soon and that maybe the medications help you.

BeadedTail said...

I hope the stuff he gave you will help while checking on the other stuff. You certainly need some relief! I don't quite understand why hearing aids aren't covered by insurance because hearing is as important as seeing and glasses are covered. My dad had to get hearing aids but thankfully we're part native American so he was able to get his free by going to the reservation's medical office. I believe all Americans should have affordable access though.

Out on the prairie said...

Glad you survived and will get more testing

Reeni said...

Hearing aids should be covered by insurance! My Dad needs one too but the prices are outrageous. I hope you get some relief!!

Duni said...

Oh I can relate to that picture - I've seen way too many in the last few weeks :-/
I hope the meds they gave you help! And also good luck with the insurance company - I feel your pain.

Pam said...

You know insurances have gotten where they cost out the rear and don't pay a thing anymore. Hoping the spray helps.

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