Sunday, April 15, 2018

Was it a sign?

Yesterday morning, being my day off, I slept in and then took a very leisurely start to my day. I grabbed some coffee and parked myself in front of my computer. I read blogs, I checked email, I browsed Pinterest and then facebook.

It was about two and a half hours later that I came across the below image while reading Facebook posts.

Yes, I had a successful morning but I took it as a sign that I should probably get off my butt and get some things done.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love success like yours and like the sign from FB.. getting out of bed, walking to coffee pot, walking to computer, logging on and doing what you did is a huge success... computers are time eaters for sure.

Pam said... tells me everyday that she plans on getting a least two things done a day. I think she means two DIFFERENT things than you got but I am with you! haha...I like those days but my house is yelling at me cause I have so much I need to do. One of my biggest issues is, when I hurt all the time it don't take much to make me get overwhelmed but all the stuff I have to I leave the house or I crash and sleep. Today...spams in the back, pain all over, but I am heading out....Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

We have rain and dark, dark clouds this a.m. and these are my goals for today!!!

Grace said...

Ah, sleeping in. You would think since I am retired I could do that a lot, but you would be wrong *sigh*

Kate said...

Your post made me smile. Here the sun is shining and the crows are cawing but I haven't seen a robin yet although I hear there are a few in the neighbourhood. Today or tomorrow we'll take a drive to the cabin to see how the snow melt is going - we're very late moving into the cabin this year. Have a good week. ^^

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love it! Hooray for your successful morning.

Out on the prairie said...

pretty funny, I need more coffee. Left you an answer on my blog

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